Married At First Sight producers take a brutal swipe at groom Jono McCullough after taking over cast members’ social media during show

The producers of Married At First Sight took a cheeky swipe at groom Jono McCullough on Wednesday night, just ahead of the show’s explosive dinner party.

The 39-year-old health company owner was targeted on his own Instagram page, which is currently run by Channel Nine.

Producers share images of Jono with his fans and playful captions every week, but they went one step further when they called the groom “a coward.”

A producer shared a cheerful photo of Jono wearing his beige slacks and mauve shirt before arriving at the dinner party, and wrote a scathing comment about the groom.

“Still can’t find my balls but I hope I’ve grown a spine in the last 7 days,” they captioned the photo, referencing Jono’s recent inability to support his bride Lauren Dunn.

The producers of Married At First Sight brutally lashed out at groom Jono McCullough on Wednesday night, just ahead of the show’s explosive dinner party

The groom has come under fire from his wife and relationship experts in recent episodes after failing to defend Lauren after supervillain Jack Dunkley made sexist comments to her.

After Jack shocked viewers last Wednesday by telling Jono to “muzzle” his wife, he made a meek attempt to defend Lauren.

Despite producers’ claims that Jono is spineless, the groom seemed to have no qualms in bravely defending bride Ellie Dix in the lead-up to their cheating scandal.

The 39-year-old health company owner was targeted on his own Instagram page, which is currently run by Channel Nine

Ellie’s romance with groom Ben Walters hit the rocks during the episode when he publicly broke up with her.

Jono kindly jumped to Ellie’s defense and made his feelings very clear by saying he wanted to ‘hit’ Ben for his recent behaviour.

At the dinner party, Ellie told the group that Ben had spent two hours reciting a list of everything he didn’t like about her – including the fact that she wears make-up.

Producers share images of Jono with his fans every week, alongside playful captions, but they went one step further when they called the groom a coward after he failed to defend his wife Lauren Dunn (right) last Wednesday.

“Still can’t find my balls but I hope I’ve grown a spine in the last seven days,” they captioned the photo, referencing Jono’s recent inability to support his bride

The group was left furious by the confession, and Jono quickly expressed his disapproval of Ben and firmly sided with Ellie.

He said: ‘I don’t understand Ben, he had a beautiful, sweet girl, I actually want to punch him… in a metaphorical sense. Like, stop ruining this great opportunity, but he definitely ruined a good thing, I would say.”

After Ben tried to defend the list at the dinner, Jono added: “There were excuses, stories and revelations, I don’t buy what he’s selling at all.”

Ny Breaking Australia previously revealed that MAFS will be rocked by a scandal after Ellie and Jono looked cozy during a recent outing and will announce their relationship at the show’s reunion.

Lauren DunnMarried at First Sight, Australia

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