Louisiana couple are stunned to find a five-foot-tall ALLIGATOR lurking in their home in the middle of the night

Louisiana couple are stunned to find a five foot ALLIGATOR lurking in their home in the middle of the night after it slipped in through the family’s dog door

  • A couple who recently moved from Arizona to Louisiana had an unexpected encounter with local wildlife when they discovered an alligator in their home
  • Don and Jan Schultz were woken up in the middle of the night by their dog, who sensed something was wrong after he started growing on the reptile
  • Five-foot alligator had forced its way into their home through the dog door — the pair immediately called 911, and authorities arrived to deal with the creature

A couple who recently moved to the southern state of Louisiana were woken up in the middle of the night after an uninvited alligator snuck into their home through a dog door.

Don and Jan Schultz were awakened after their seven-year-old dog, Panda, started growling at the menacing five-foot reptile.

Don got out of bed to investigate what was troubling the pet when he spotted what appeared to be one of the state’s most famous residents in the dark.

The couple kept their spirits up and quickly called the emergency services to come and deal with the unwanted tenant.

A couple who recently moved from Arizona to Louisiana had an unexpected encounter with local wildlife when they discovered an alligator in their home

Don and Jan Schultz were awakened after their seven-year-old dog, Panda, started growling at the menacing five-foot reptile.

The five-foot-long alligator had forced its way into their home through the dog door

‘It was quite an experience. We get the full Cajun experience,” said Don, who only recently moved upstate from Yuma, Arizona.

Our dog panda growled and woke up my wife and she tapped me and said, “I think someone’s in the house.” I got up and saw the shape of an alligator,’ Don explained KATC.

Video shows fish and wildlife experts capturing the hissing gator in the hallway of their home.

The gator did not quietly leave and could be seen thrashing about while wearing a noose around its snout before being dragged from the couple’s home.

The couple immediately called 911, after which authorities arrived to deal with the creature

Video shows fish and wildlife experts capturing the hissing gator in the hallway of their home

The gator didn’t go quiet and could be seen thrashing about while having a noose around its snout before being dragged out of the couple’s home

The gator had both pairs of legs tied when it was dragged away from the house

The couple’s dog, Panda, saved the day by alerting them after they growled in the middle of the night

“We are very grateful to the sheriffs and Fish & Wildlife. We’ve thoroughly evicted the creature from our house and I suspect it’s swimming in the bayou somewhere,” Jan said.

The Schultz’s have now changed the type of dog door in their home to one that only opens for their own pet rather than any creature that just wants a place to stay for the night.

“We are taking precautions and locking the dog door, which now only opens with the dog’s collar. We don’t want such a surprise in the future.’

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