I lost my job because I clogged the toilet after my interview

A male Reddit user flushed his “excellent job” down the drain after clogging a toilet in the office’s unisex bathroom.

The original poster (OP) shared the story of how he lost his job before it started a Reddit post on February 12.

“I pretty much got the job during a previous interview and I just came in to fill out the onboarding paperwork,” he wrote.

“I was so excited because the onboarding questions were about the accommodations I would like for this job.”

Unfortunately, things started to go downhill after the almost-employee drank some of the office coffee.

A male Reddit user who almost landed an ‘excellent’ job wasn’t asked to return after clogging the office toilet

The problem started after someone in the office offered him coffee. He drank it ‘very quickly’, causing him to have to go to the toilet quickly

“Everything went well, but I was offered coffee earlier and of course I accepted because I like free things,” he wrote.

‘This coffee was so delicious and I drank it very quickly. So of course coffee did what coffee does and before I knew it I had to use their bathroom.”

The man admitted that he could “let it all out” and that there was “a lot of excess” in his system that morning.

“It also took a lot of toilet paper to get my butt clean,” he wrote.

After washing his hands and admiring the “really nice bathroom,” he returned to his desk to complete paperwork.

Unfortunately, the forgetful man no longer knew how to flush the toilet, and then things seemed to go wrong.

The man admitted that he could ‘let it all out’ and that there was ‘a lot of excess’ in his system that morning

After going to the bathroom, he admired the bathroom and washed his hands. However, he forgot to flush the toilet after he was done

A female employee walked into the bathroom and found the OP’s feces in the toilet.

‘I was looking at the door when I heard the sound of a flush from the toilet as she tried to get away from it so she could go… but I didn’t hear the bowl clear, I just heard the bowl fill with water ‘ he wrote.

The woman was “not happy” and told her boss what she discovered in the bathroom.

“I was the only new person in the building, so of course everyone knew it was me,” the OP wrote.

“I tried to pretend I was at my computer the whole time and they didn’t yell at me or anything, they just went with it.”

The employees managed to find a plunger, but according to the OP, “a lot of toilet water ended up on the bathroom floor.”

A female employee complained to her boss and the employees had to look for a plunger. A lot of toilet water ended up on the bathroom floor

After the man completed his paperwork, he gave it to the boss, who was not very friendly to him.

“I completed my paperwork but never heard back from them even after trying to follow up,” the soon-to-be new hire wrote.

Since then, he blames “the coffee” and is distracted by the beautiful bathroom with “an oak sliding door.”

Other Reddit users have apparently discriminated against him, with one person asking if he was “an animal” since he pooped during a job interview.

Several Reddit users criticized the man for pooping during a job interview and found the story hilarious, with some even believing the incident didn’t actually happen.

‘Who forgets to flush like that? ESPECIALLY if you’re trying to get hired at that workplace, lol,” one Reddit user commented.

‘I wouldn’t hire you either. If you don’t remember to flush your stool, I can’t even imagine how forgetful you would be at work.”

Other commenters have written that they wouldn’t hire him, calling him “an idiot” for forgetting.

A few users believe his “s***** story” isn’t true, but the OP has written repeatedly that it is.

Another user said this incident isn’t the OP’s fault and that the employer was wrong for “not having a sucker.”

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