Longtime Massachusetts police lieutenant is charged with raping a child under the age of 12: Confessed to cops in cemetery on Christmas night

  • Winthrop police Lt. James Feeley confessed over his parents' graves
  • He told his superiors what he would have done on Christmas night

A longtime Massachusetts cop has been held on $200,000 bond for allegedly raping a child under the age of 12 after allegedly confessing to the crimes in a cemetery on Christmas.

Winthrop Police Lt. James Feeley, 56, was arraigned Wednesday in East Boston District Court on charges including aggravated rape of a child and two counts of sexual assault and battery on a child under 14, a spokesman said. Massachusetts State Police.

The criminal complaint alleged that Feeley, who had served with his troops for 21 years and was promoted in 2020, had “sexual intercourse or unnatural sexual intercourse” with the victim, although it is not currently known exactly when or where the alleged assaults occurred . .

The alleged victim was taken to Boston Children's Hospital on Tuesday and claimed the assaults started a year ago.

Feeley, who had served as a sergeant in the department for three years before his promotion and was a reserve officer for eight years before that, reportedly confessed while standing at his parents' graves in Belle Isle Cemetery.

Winthrop Police Lt. James Feeley (pictured) was charged with aggravated rape of a child and two counts of sexual assault and battery on a child under the age of 14

He was arraigned in East Boston District Court on Wednesday (photo).

Feeley's brother called Winthrop Sergeant Sean Delehanty and told him Feeley was “in really bad shape.”

Delehanty relayed the warning to his brother, Winthrop Police Chief Terence Delehanty, and asked him to meet the lieutenant at the cemetery, and also traveled there himself.

On arrival the sergeant told him: 'No matter what happens, the answer isn't at his hip,” referring to the gun Feeley had on him.

Feeley allegedly replied, “Wait until I tell you what I did.”

The chief later arrived and Feeley reportedly confessed to both brothers.

Believing him to be suicidal, the chief took Feeley's gun from him and had him taken to Massachusetts General Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation.

Defense attorney Nitin Dalal told the judge during a court hearing that Feeley has a residence in another community with one of his brothers and that Feeley exposed what happened.

“He feels guilt, remorse, shame and humiliation,” Dalal said, adding that Feeley needs mental health treatment.

Suffolk District Attorney Kevin Hayden said in a statement that “this victim and the victim's family will receive all the help and support they need as this case progresses.”

Feeley, who is currently out on bail, has been ordered to wear an ankle monitor and stay away from the alleged victim's home, surrender his passport and firearms and have no contact with children under the age of 14.

The Massachusetts Department of Children and Families told local media: “DCF is investigating these disturbing allegations.”

Police Chief Terence Delehanty said in a statement: “James Feeley has been placed on administrative leave by the Winthrop Police Department pending the outcome of a criminal investigation led by State Police detectives assigned to the Suffolk County District Attorney's Office.”

The police investigation is ongoing and Feeley is due back in court for a probable cause hearing in late January.

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