Life coach shares THREE ‘psychology’ tips to help you be more ‘magnetic’ and ‘attractive’ to others – but do actually they work?

A TikTok life coach has shared three pieces of advice on how to be “magnetic,” according to psychology.

Francesca studied psychology at City, University of London and now regularly shares tips online, such as sneaky ways to get people to like you and how to study faster.

In one video, posted under her handle @francescapsychologieshe drew from her own experiences to reveal three ways you can make yourself more interesting and attractive to others.

The video has already been viewed by almost 19,000 people and the TikToker has amassed 1.3 million followers.

Read on to discover her three most important pieces of advice and whether they really work.

A TikTok life coach has shared three pieces of advice on how to be “magnetic,” according to psychology

There’s always something interesting going on

Fransesca starts off by saying that her biggest tip is to “always have something interesting in front of you.”

She explains: ‘For example, you are starting a new company or a social media channel, you have just taken up a new hobby, or you have a passion such as make-up or boxing.

“Whatever it is, think about it, do something interesting.

“We are inspired and attracted to people who have interesting lives because we want that for ourselves and want to be part of it.”

However, she adds that many people make a mistake despite living very interesting lives.

She reveals, “They have interesting hobbies or things happening to them, but they don’t know how to frame it.

“They don’t know how to tell stories, they don’t know how to cloak it with a little mystery to make it even more attractive and even more magnetic.”

But Smriti Joshi, chief psychologist at international mental health organization Wysa, has accepted the advice.

Smriti told MailOnline: ‘From a psychological point of view, this is similar to the concept of ‘self-expansion’.

In one of her latest videos, posted under her name @francescapsychology, she drew on her own experiences to reveal three ways you can make yourself more interesting and attractive to others

“People are often attracted to individuals who offer opportunities for new experiences and growth.

‘Various hobbies and activities can create shared interests, creating a sense of connection and making you more attractive to others.’

However, the expert also warned that always doing interesting things and presenting an engaging personality “could inadvertently promote a superficial approach to social interactions.”

She explained: ‘Individuals can feel pressured to put together a perfect image, potentially leading to inauthenticity. This can create a disconnect between one’s public image and one’s true self, hindering the development of real connections.”

Be a good storyteller

This brings the life coach to her second point: you must have the ability to tell great stories.

She tells viewers, “The ability to take things mysterious and make them interesting.

‘I realized how important this skill is when I went to the seaside with some of my friends and we told the exact same story to other people and I saw different reactions.

“One of my friends said it in such an interesting way, with so much detail, sensory input and even acting skills – everyone was absorbed by her story, everyone was laughing, everyone was super engaged.

“Whereas when another friend told the same story, no one paid attention and it was just, oh, cool, nice.

“Because the most boring thing can happen to you, but if you know how to talk about it and tell a story around it, how to frame it, it can become the most interesting magnetic thing – and people love stories.”

Psychologist Smriti agrees: ‘Psychologically speaking, storytelling is a powerful means of communication.

‘People are naturally drawn to stories as a way to understand the world.

‘Effective storytelling captures attention and involvement. Nonverbal expressions and vocal variations increase the impact of storytelling, making it an engaging way to connect with others.

Make others feel special

On her final point, Francesca advised that a sneaky way to make yourself more attractive to people is to “interact with others in a way that makes them feel special and important.”

She explained: ‘I know people who are very charismatic, but they only talk about themselves, they are only focused on themselves.

‘They don’t care about others, they don’t interact with others in a way that makes them feel unique, they have to do it in a way that puts the focus on you and makes you the center of attention and likes you’ am really interesting.

“People who can do that are the most magnetic people, even if they don’t have the charisma of someone who only talks about themselves.”

The coach added, “The key here is to have fun yourself while interacting with others. Talk about topics you are really interested in and make it fun, playful.

‘Make a joke, provoke them. These interactions are the most interesting to people.

“To give an example, instead of asking a simple question like ‘Have you started a YouTube channel?’ ask: ‘I heard that you will soon become a millionaire. When are you going to take us all to Dubai with the money from your YouTube channel?”

‘Just make your questions and your interactions a bit more spicy, interesting and playful.’

Smriti explains, “According to this influencer, making others feel special involves positive social interactions, adding humor, playfulness and expressing genuine interest.

‘This resonates with the principles of social psychology, in particular the importance of social validation.

‘Positive interactions help build relationships, but it is crucial that these interactions are authentic.

“True connections made through authentic communication are likely to be more meaningful and lasting.”

However, the expert also warns that there may be some pitfalls in the advice to make others feel special.

The psychologist said: ‘The advice to make others feel special, while generally positive, can have a downside if used manipulatively.

‘If individuals use these strategies solely to gain popularity or influence, it can lead to manipulative behavior that damages relationships.

‘The focus on making others feel special and incorporating humor can lead to an overemphasis on positivity.

“While positivity is generally beneficial, suppressing authentic emotions or experiences that are not perceived as ‘positive’ can contribute to toxic positivity.”

Viewers flocked to the comments to share their own thoughts, with one agreeing: “If I exaggerate a story, if I tell it like it is, it gets attention, I hear crickets.”

Others added: ‘This is so true!’ and ‘I did it’.

Meanwhile, someone else said: ‘The cool thing about these videos is that you realize that for some random reason this was exactly your plan.’

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