Less than HALF of Democrats say they’re willing to die fighting for America if another country invaded, according to Daily Mail poll: Three in 10 between 18 and 29 say they would surrender

Fewer than HALF of Democrats say they would be willing to die fighting for America if another country invades, a Daily Mail poll shows: Three in 10 aged 18 to 29 say they would surrender

  • Voters were asked what they would do if a foreign power invaded the US
  • About 64 percent said they were willing to stand and fight
  • That number drops to less than half of Democrats in our exclusive poll



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About two-thirds of Americans say they would be willing to die for their country in the event of a foreign invasion, according to a poll for DailyMail.com.

But that figure drops to less than half of Democrats. And about 30 percent of 18-29 year olds say they would rather surrender and survive.

The results come from a survey of 1,000 likely voters in next year’s elections, conducted by JL Partners.

They were asked, “Suppose there was an invasion of America by another country and they were on the brink of victory.

“You can almost certainly die fighting for your country, or surrender and survive. What would you do?’

JL Partners asked a thousand likely voters, “Suppose there was an invasion of America by another country and they were on the brink of victory. “You can almost certainly die fighting for your country, or surrender and survive. What would you do?’

The results suggest that dying for your country is a partisan issue. And there is a growing generation gap.

James Johnson, co-founder of polling firm JL Partners, said: “Dying for your country is easier to say than it is in reality.

“Nevertheless, these results tell us about a rift in America: the youngest adults, especially young women, and a significant share of Democrats, would actively choose to surrender and survive a military invasion rather than die fighting the Defending United States.”

About 45 percent of women aged 18 to 29 said they would rather indulge, compared to 20 percent of men the same age.

The party divide is also clear. While 80 percent of Republicans say they would fight and die, only 46 percent of Democrats say the same.

Respondents were also asked in the survey whether they would prefer to live in California or Florida.

By comparing the results (which showed a slim majority favoring the conservative East Coast over the liberal West Coast), it is clear that the fighters prefer Florida (57 percent) to California (32 percent).

Those who surrendered overwhelmingly chose California (63 percent to 24 percent).

Republicans overwhelmingly favored Florida and Democrats favored California. Independents tipped the result in favor of the Sunshine State when asked where they would most like to live

Still, the overall results reflect Americans better than a similar poll last year. Quinnipiac University asked 1,374 adults how they would respond if Russia invaded the U.S. in the same way it invaded Ukraine.

About 55 percent said they would stay and fight, while about 38 percent said they would flee.

Our poll offers other insights into the state of the nation and the state of the 2024 election race.

Six in 10 Americans think the country has become more dangerous since President Joe Biden took office, and a paltry 14 percent say his administration has done a good job fighting crime.

About 56 percent of Americans, including 51 percent of independent voters, also think the economy has worsened in another damning indictment of Biden’s leadership.

The majority of Americans feel less safe now than when President Joe Biden took office and believe he has not done a good enough job fighting crime, a new DailyMail.com poll shows.

The 2024 election will be a repeat of the 2020 election, when Biden defeated Trump

The effect poses electoral problems for Biden as he seeks re-election next year.

Donald Trump has overtaken Joe Biden in the hypothetical DailyMail.com head-to-head poll in 2024, a year ahead of an expected rematch of the last election.

It shows the frontrunner for the Republican nomination has come back from a two-point deficit in June, when the poll was last conducted, to take a one-point lead over his likely Democratic opponent.

His rise is being fueled by independent voters switching sides and gains among college graduates, who provide the bulk of support for Biden.

However, the race remains incredibly tight. And the poll

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