Karine Jean-Pierre plans to REMAIN as Biden's press secretary until the end of his term and is angry that John Kirby is getting more time on stage, the report says

  • White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre plans to keep her position through the 2024 elections
  • She has expressed her frustration about sharing the stage with John Kirby of the National Security Council
  • Kirby and Jean-Pierre have both briefed reporters almost every day since the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel



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White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre plans to remain in her position through the 2024 elections and beyond, but has expressed frustration about sharing the stage with National Security Council member John Kirby.

Axios reported this on Friday on tensions between President Joe Biden's top spokespeople, with Jean-Pierre making just one solo appearance since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel, putting Kirby's foreign policy expertise front and center.

According to the report, Jean-Pierre was wary of Kirby from the start.

When Biden told Jean-Pierre she was being promoted to press secretary in 2022, he then awkwardly told her that Kirby — then the Pentagon spokesman — would also be joining the team.

Three sources told Axios that Jean-Pierre left the meeting angry and confused about whether she had the job and what Kirby's position would be.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (left) plans to remain in her position through the 2024 elections and beyond, but has expressed her frustration about sharing the stage with National Security Council President John Kirby (right).

Axios reported Friday on tensions between White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (left) and National Security Council spokesman John Kirby (right), with Jean-Pierre making just one solo appearance since the Hamas attack October 7 in Israel.

Kirby was a veteran government spokesperson who had been the State Department's go-to guy during former President Donald Trump's administration before coming to the Pentagon for Biden.

After Biden told Jean-Pierre about the job, White House chief of staff Ron Klain met with her and assured her she had the press secretary gig while he worked out an arrangement with senior adviser Anita Dunn.

The report also said that the reason why Jean-Pierre and Kirby are sharing the stage is because Biden likes it.

Kirby has built a close bond with the 81-year-old president and Biden has asked him to travel aboard Air Force One, both on foreign and now domestic trips.

Behind the scenes, Kirby has told people he wants to be press secretary, although a White House official told Axios that Kirby never volunteers that information.

The same official also brushed off reports of tensions between the spokespeople.

'I don't recognize this description of their relationship at all. The truth is the opposite: They talk all the time and have a collegial and collegial understanding,” the official said.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was told by President Joe Biden that she was being elevated to the position of press secretary, but that Pentagon spokesperson Kirby would join her

But some of Jean-Pierre's allies told the news organization that the arrangement has made her difficult task more difficult.

And some black Democrats in the administration and on Capitol Hill said the optics were offensive because it appeared the first black press secretary wanted her hand held on foreign policy by a white man.

Others were critical of Jean-Pierre's actions, including a recent gaffe in which she was asked about rising anti-Semitism and instead answered about Islamophobia.

She later said she had misunderstood the question.

Jean-Pierre continues to control the briefings and choose which reporters ask Kirby questions, a practice that has irritated him, Axios said.

When National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan takes the stage, he may call on reporters, but Jean-Pierre has not granted this privilege to Kirby.

Sources told Axios they believed this was further evidence that Jean-Pierre was insecure.

The report also said that Jean-Pierre has also had a rocky relationship with her chief deputy Olivia Dalton.

Dalton has expressed her frustration at not being given the opportunity to brief from the stage despite months of practice sessions.

Jean-Pierre's deputy has held just one White House briefing, but lately he's been talking about Air Force One more often.

A White House aide who has worked closely with both women has suppressed reports of any tensions.

“They have been friends for over a decade and have a strong relationship,” the assistant told Axios.

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