Kari Lake gets her daughter shots for her birthday: MAGA Firebrand buys Ruby a gun when she turns 21 after a date night with her husband at a shooting range

What do you buy your daughter to mark her coming of age when she turns 21?

If you’re Republican Senate hopeful Kari Lake, the gift of choice is a 9mm Sig Sauer P365-XL Comp pistol finished with rose gold embellishments.

Lake visited the Scottsdale Gun Club on Saturday evening for a date night at the shooting range with husband Jeff Halperin to blow off a few rounds.

And they left with what they thought was the perfect gift for daughter Ruby.

‘My little girl is growing up. I won’t always be there to protect her,” Lake told DailyMail.com.

Arizona Senate hopeful Kari Lake bought pistols with husband Jeff Halperin this weekend to celebrate their daughter Ruby’s birthday

The Lakes’ daughter, Ruby, turned 21 this weekend

“But Jeff and I have raised a responsible young woman who understands gun safety and is more than capable of taking care of herself.”

Arizona has some of the most permissive gun laws in the country. Gun control activists rank the country 42nd out of 50 states for the strictness of its regulations.

It is legal to carry a weapon in public, as long as the weapon is visible to others and you carry it with lawful intent, for example.

But like the rest of the country, you can’t buy a gun if you’re under 21.

Lake and her husband showed off their Second Amendment credentials with Jeff’s FN PS90 submachine gun while practicing their marksmanship at the shooting range.

Then they picked out a gift for Ruby, who she later surprised with it during dinner.

The Rose model is designed for women learning about weapons. It’s meant to fit easily into a bag without sacrificing too much control or accuracy, and comes with a striking rose gold finish.

“It was very important to Kari that her daughter have the tools to protect herself, especially after news of Laken Riley’s brutal murder,” a Lake campaign spokesperson said.

“She feels very strongly that Americans should take it upon themselves to arm themselves and make sure their families are protected.

Date night: Lake spent Saturday evening at the Scottsdale Gun Club with her husband, where they fired his FN PS90 submachine gun

‘My little girl is growing up. I won’t always be there to protect her,” Lake told DailyMail.com

Lake inspects her handiwork. When she ran for governor, she promised to veto any legislation that tightened gun control laws in Arizona

After they were done at the range, Lake and her husband went to look at handguns for sale

‘Kari and Jeff looked at many options, but ultimately chose a Sig Sauer P365-XL Comp Rose Edition (9mm). An excellent choice.’

The murder of Riley, by an illegal immigrant, has become a cause célèbre for the political right.

In the meantime, Lake is embroiled in an uphill battle for the Arizona Senate seat vacated by Kyrsten Sinema.

It appears the race could be one of the most competitive in the country, in a state won by Joe Biden in 2020 by just 10,000 votes.

The traditionally Republican state has trended purple, if not blue, in recent years.

They chose a Sig Sauer P365-XL Comp Rose Edition, finished with rose gold accents

Ruby turned 21 this weekend. She has been seen with former President Donald Trump

And it will be one of the few that will decide whether Democrats keep the Senate.

The Second Amendment could be one of the most important arguments in a state where farmers along the border face threats from Mexican cartels and traffickers and has long attracted people seeking open air and freedom.

Lake’s Democratic opponent, Ruben Galego, is campaigning on a manifesto calling for “common sense reform” and has voted on an assault weapons ban in the past in the House of Representatives.

After almost three decades as a news anchor in Phoenix, she can count on her great name recognition.

And she rose to national prominence — or notoriety, depending on your point of view — as one of Donald Trump’s most outspoken supporters when he challenged the 2020 election results.

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