Jordan’s Queen Rania says there is no point in wiping out Hamas as another ‘more determined’ group will emerge calling for a ‘collective ceasefire’

Jordan’s Queen Rania once again urges Israel to stop its airstrikes on Gaza, arguing that any attempt to eradicate Hamas is futile because another, “more determined and motivated” group will “emerge from the rubble” of the current conflict will arise.

Queen Rania – who previously sparked outrage by condemning Israel while her country refuses to accept Palestinian refugees – appeared on CNN to make her appeal.

She criticized the US and Israel’s allies for not asking “uncomfortable questions” about the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe and urged peace, rejecting the Israeli argument that a ceasefire would only embolden Hamas and give it an opportunity would create for its militants to launch another attack.

‘There must be a collective call for a ceasefire. I know that some who oppose a ceasefire argue that it will help Hamas.

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Queen Rania – who previously sparked outrage by condemning Israel as her country refuses to accept Palestinian refugees – appeared on CNN to make her appeal

Smoke rises after Israeli attacks, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Gaza City, November 6, 2023

Palestinians gather as they mourn the bodies of those killed in the Israeli bombardment in Deir Balah in the central Gaza Strip, at the Shuhada Al-Aqsa hospital on November 6, 2023

“However, I feel that in that argument they inherently reject, almost endorse and justify the deaths of thousands of civilians, and that is morally reprehensible.

‘It is also short-sighted and not entirely rational. As I’ve said before, if you manage to eliminate all of Hamas, what now? The root cause of this conflict is illegal occupation.

“If we don’t address these root causes, you can kill the warrior, but you can’t kill the cause.

“So on the rubble of these destroyed buildings will emerge another group more determined and motivated to do what Hamas did,” she said.

The blame for the massive loss of life lies not with Hamas, which uses Palestinian civilians as human shields, but with Israel, which it says should not have dropped “a single bomb” until the region was cleared of innocents.

She brushed aside Hamas’ violation of such laws during the Oct. 7 attack, when militants paraglided into Israel, massacred civilians at a music festival, raped women and took hundreds of children hostage.

“After 10,000 people have been killed, 70% of them women and children, it is an insult to the intelligence services for the Israelis to claim that they are trying to protect civilians.

“If 1.1 million people are asked to leave their homes or risk death, that is not protecting civilians, that is forced displacement. UN agencies and others have said there is no safe place in Gaza.

Dashcam footage of Hamas militants on October 7 showed them systematically slaughtering Jews in Israel

Injured children at the Nasser Medical Hospital in Gaza on October 24 after an Israeli airstrike

“And even the areas where they asked people to take refuge, the so-called safe zones, have also been attacked.

“When it comes to human shields, we must adhere to international law. Of course, using human shields is criminal.

“But even if one party puts a civilian in danger, that civilian is still entitled to full protection under international humanitarian law.

‘That is the global standard and no country is exempt. Before a bullet is fired, and before a bomb is dropped, it is the nation’s responsibility to weigh the risk to the lives of citizens. If that risk is disproportionate to the military objective, it is considered unlawful.

“Frankly, I find it really scandalous when Israeli officials boldly dismiss civilian victims as human shields.”

According to her, the only way forward is for Israel to recognize Palestine and accept peace.

The royal couple are photographed during a visit to the White House in June 2018. King Abdullah II has said Jordan will not accept Palestinian refugees

Elsewhere in the interview, she “wholeheartedly” condemned rising anti-Semitism in Europe and America, but said it was often “weaponized” to whitewash Israel’s attacks.

“What we have seen in recent years is the accusation that anti-Semitism is being used as a weapon to silence any criticism of Israel. Defenders or supporters of Israel who cannot defend Israel’s actions or behavior return to shutting down the talks and equating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism.

‘Let me be very, very clear. Being pro-Palestinian is not being anti-Semitic. Being pro-Palestinian does not mean being pro-Hamas or pro-terrorism.

“I think Israel deserves more from its allies than unequivocal support. It deserves some uncomfortable truths.

“If you are a true friend, you support your friend when he is right, but you also tell him when he has crossed a line.”

Queen Rania has spoken out about her support for the Palestinians since the start of the conflict.

In an earlier interview with Christiane Amanpour, she railed against the West for its support for Israel.

Amanpour had to arouse her sympathy for the victims of the Hamas attack on October 7.

The interview was labeled ‘grotesque’ by American experts.

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