Joe Biden’s bribery allegations were brought to the DOJ in 2018

A former federal prosecutor filed a bribery charge involving Joe Biden and an unnamed stranger in 2018, a full two years before charges were filed by a whistleblower who is now speaking to the House Oversight Committee.

Bud Cummins, a former federal prosecutor, made the accusation to U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Geoff Berman, on October 4, 2018, dating back to Biden’s term as vice president, according to interviews and documents obtained by Just the news.

He wrote Berman an email claiming to have evidence that President Biden was “using influence to protect son Hunter’s Ukrainian employers” in exchange for payments to father and son as well as Hunter’s friend and business partner Devon Archer.

Cummins claimed that then-Ukrainian Attorney General Yuriy Lutsenko had wanted to go to the United States to meet with him and was able to provide Berman with two anonymous witnesses to corroborate the allegations.

“I can’t really imagine a legitimate reason for the DOJ not to follow up on such an offer. I felt like there was a wall in between,” Cummins said.

Bud Cummins, a former federal prosecutor, filed the charges with U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Geoff Berman on October 4, 2018.

The Republican allegations mark a major update in the Republican ‘influence peddling’ investigation into the Biden family and Hunter’s overseas business deals

“There is little point in investigating the man who brings you the accusation instead of the accusation,” he added.

Berman, Cummins alleges, never responded to the emails, going so far as to obtain data from his iPhone through a grand jury subpoena to Apple.

The former federal prosecutor said it’s “perverse” for you to report a pretty serious crime and they’re not investigating. [it] but they were investigating you.’

Cummins allegedly came forward with stunning claims that a dossier “contains an accurate description of how the alleged criminal scheme (involving Biden) was implemented, as well as its purpose,” top GOP members of the House and Senate have said .

It is a major update in the Republican “influence peddling” investigation into the Biden family and comes just hours after a report said prosecutors were on the verge of deciding whether to criminally charge Hunter Biden in his tax and weapons investigations.

The House Oversight Committee has accused several members of the Biden family — including Hunter and Hallie — of being involved in “shady” business deals that took advantage of the family name.

“We believe the FBI has an unclassified internal document that contains very serious and detailed allegations implicating the current president of the United States,” Grassley said.

What we don’t know is what the FBI has done to verify or further investigate these claims. The FBI’s recent history of bungling politically charged investigations requires close congressional oversight.”

Cummins wrote Berman an email claiming to have evidence that President Biden was “exerting influence to protect son Hunter’s Ukrainian employers”

The bribes allegedly involved using influence over employers ‘in exchange for payments’ to father and son as well as Hunter’s friend and business partner Devon Archer

Senator Chuck Grassley and Rep. James Comer issued a subpoena to FBI Director Chris Wray on Wednesday demanding the ‘FD-1023 form’

In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Chris Wray obtained Wednesday by, leading Republicans say they are seeking access to an internal “FBI-generated FD-1023” form because of “credible” whistleblower revelations. through a subpoena.

The form reportedly describes an “arrangement” between Biden and an unnamed foreigner for an exchange of money for policy decisions, they say.

“We have received legally protected and highly credible unclassified whistleblower disclosures. Based on those revelations, it has come to our attention that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) possess an unclassified FD-1023 form detailing an alleged criminal scheme involving the then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national regarding the exchange of money for policy decisions,” the senators write.

“It is alleged that the document contains an accurate description of how the alleged criminal scheme was used and its purpose.”

Lawmakers say it remains unclear what, if any, steps have been taken to investigate the matter, which is concerning given the “significant public interest” in the FBI’s response.

They also say there is concern among Americans because of “the FBI’s track record of letting political bias infect their decision-making process, necessitating demanding congressional oversight.”

According to the subpoena, Wray has until May 10 to turn over the documents.

The subpoena specifically directs the FBI director to produce “all FD-1023 forms, including within any open, closed, or restricted file, created or moderated as of June 2020, that contain the term “Biden,” including all associated attachments and documents to those FD-1023 forms.”

The Republicans’ move indicates they are stepping up ongoing investigations into the Biden family’s business dealings, including Hunter (right)

“The information provided by a whistleblower raises concerns that then-Vice President Biden was allegedly involved in a bribery scheme with a foreigner,” Comer said Wednesday.

“The information provided by a whistleblower raises concerns that then-Vice President Biden may have engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreigner,” Comer added in a statement.

“The American people need to know if President Biden betrayed the United States of America to make money for himself. Senator Grassley and I will seek the truth to ensure that the American people are held accountable,” the chairman continued. has reached out to the FBI for comment. A DOJ spokesman said the department received the letter but declined to comment further.

Ian Sams, White House spokesman for surveillance and investigations, posted a response to Twitter calling the GOP action “baseless” and “politically motivated.”

“For five years now, Republicans in Congress have been lobbying against baseless politically motivated attacks [President Biden] without providing evidence for their claims. Or evidence of decisions influenced by something other than US interests,” he claimed.

That’s because they prefer anonymous innuendo, amplified by the megaphone of their allies in right-wing media, to gain attention and try to distract and distract from their own unpopular ideas and lack of solutions for the issues that the American people really care about,” Sams added in a statement to

“When it comes to President Biden’s personal finances, anyone can take a look: He has provided an unprecedented level of transparency by releasing a total of 25 years’ worth of tax returns to the American public.”

The Republicans’ action indicates they are stepping up the ongoing investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., called the whistleblower’s claim an “incredibly serious allegation.”

The Republican added during an interview on Fox News Wednesday, “we’ve got the onion up front of us and we are peeling off layers little by little,” he said of the larger Biden family corruption investigation.

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz, simply stated on Twitter, “The walls are closing in on Biden.”

As part of the ever-expanding investigations against Hunter Biden, Republicans on the House Oversight Committee have also reviewed IRS documents and Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs), which they say prove that the Biden famAt least 12 family members have benefited from corruption and influence.

Comer said last month that no one is “left for a Christmas photo” because the “entire Biden family” is caught up in the financial enrichment plan.

According to the SARs reviewed by Comer’s committee, he previously confirmed that President Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, and his son Beau’s widow, Hallie Biden, benefited from the foreign business deals.

Another whistleblower from the IRS came forward recently alleging that a senior Biden administration official was interfering with the DOJ special counsel’s investigation into Hunter Biden led by U.S. Attorney David Weiss of Delaware. previously confirmed that the senior official in question is Garland.

Garland has agreed to Weiss’ independence and testified to Congress that the investigation is being conducted impartially.

“He’s been told not to be denied anything he needs,” Garland recently told the Senate Judiciary Committee. “I’ve heard nothing from that office to suggest they can’t do whatever the US attorney wants.”

Weiss is reportedly close to completing the four-year investigation into the alleged tax and gun crimes of the president’s son.

The US attorney met with officials at DOJ headquarters in Washington, D.C., last week — another signal that the investigation may soon be concluded.

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