Jill Biden watches as granddaughter Naomi Biden is ambushed on the witness stand with her own text message to Hunter saying, ‘I’m really sorry dad, I can’t handle this’

Hunter Biden’s daughter Naomi was ambushed with devastating text messages that blew a hole in her father’s defense during the federal gun trial.

First Lady Jill Biden watched from the gallery as her granddaughter testified about interactions with her father in rehab and when he was deep in a crack cocaine addiction.

It came on another dramatic day in the trial, with the prosecution wrapping up the case after less than a week and Naomi being questioned about life with her father.

Initially, under questioning by Hunter’s attorney Abbe Lowell, she painted a rosy picture of Hunter’s sobriety leading up to his October 2018 gun purchase, for which he is charged.

Naomi said she visited Hunter with her then-boyfriend Peter in Los Angeles in August 2018, where Hunter had been undergoing a short rehabilitation period.

“He seemed the clearest I had ever seen him since my uncle died,” she said, referring to Beau Biden who died of brain cancer on May 30, 2015.

“He seemed really great,” Naomi added. “I told him I was so proud of him and so proud to introduce Peter to him.”

Naomi Biden leaves federal court in Wilmington, Delaware on Friday, June 7, 2024, after giving testimony in the trial of her father Hunter Biden

Naomi Biden (C), daughter of Hunter Biden, leaves the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building in Wilmington, Delaware on June 7, 2024

Hunter has been accused of lying on a federal form when he bought a gun in Wilmington, Delaware on October 12, 2018 and indicated he was not a drug user.

Naomi gave testimony in her defense on the fifth day of Hunter’s trial as First Lady Jill Biden watched from the public benches.

Jill Biden had traveled 3,500 miles to be there after visiting France for D-Day commemorations on Thursday, where she and President Joe Biden met with French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron.

In court, Naomi described how she borrowed her father’s Ford truck, and that Hunter drove Joe Biden’s Cadillac to New York the week of October 15 to trade with her.

She said when she saw him then, just a few days after his gun purchase, “he seemed great” and “he seemed hopeful.”

But then prosecutor Leo Wise began his cross-examination – handing Naomi, Lowell and the judge 20 pages of text messages between her and Hunter from that time.

Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, at federal court for his trial on criminal weapons charges in Wilmington, Delaware

Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, and his wife Melissa Cohen Biden, arrive at the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building in Wilmington, Delaware on June 7, 2024

The texts showed that Hunter didn’t show up for the arranged car swap, and when she texted him on the afternoon of October 17, he didn’t respond until almost midnight, when he wrote, “Are you awake?”

Hunter then woke Naomi up by texting her at 2 a.m. asking, “Where are the keys to the truck and can Peter take it to 57th and 5th?”

Visibly concerned, Naomi faltered in the stands, mumbled into the microphone causing Wise to ask her to repeat herself, and said, “I don’t remember any of this.”

The texts showed that Naomi again tried unsuccessfully to trade the cars with her father the next day, and that he told her he would not see her in New York.

“So I don’t see you?!” Naomi wrote, followed by an unhappy face. “I’m really sorry dad, I can’t handle this. I miss you very much. I just want to hang out with you.”

Finally, at 10:30 PM on October 18, Hunter replied, “I’m sorry I was so unreachable. It’s not fair to you.’

A photo of the weapon entered into evidence at trial

First lady Jill Biden and her senior adviser Anthony Bernal arrive at the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building in Wilmington, Delaware on June 7, 2024

Her father’s apparent unreliability during that pivotal day went to the heart of the defense’s case: that Hunter was reliable when sober, and that he was allegedly reliable around mid-October 2018 when he purchased the gun and claimed he had no was a man. drug user.

The final straw came in a devastating series of questions from Wise.

“Did he tell you he was meeting with someone named Frankie?” he asked, reminding the jury of previous evidence about one of Hunter’s dealers by that name. “No,” Naomi said.

“Did he tell you he gave Frankie an access code to his Wells Fargo account?” Sensibly said. “I don’t remember,” Naomi said.

She then admitted that it wasn’t until October 19 that she was finally able to find the car.

Hallie Biden, daughter-in-law of US President Joe Biden, leaves the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building after testifying in the Hunter Biden trial on June 6, 2024

Media gather outside the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building United States Courthouse, Friday, June 7, 2024

Naomi was dressed all in black, with a black jacket over dark, baggy clothing.

There is speculation that she is pregnant with her current husband Peter’s child.

Naomi looked on the verge of tears and wiped one eye as she walked out after hugging her father.

During Lowell’s initial questioning, he appeared to score a point by having Naomi describe the clean condition of Hunter’s Ford Raptor truck when she drove it to New York the week of October 15, 2018.

Hallie Biden had testified earlier this week that the car was littered with clothing, drug waste and paraphernalia, and that the center console lock box was broken and two inches ajar with Hunter’s revolver and bullets inside.

The gun shop where Hunter Biden bought a revolver

A photo submitted as evidence in the trial

But Naomi said the console was closed and locked – because she and Peter were trying to get into it.

However, Wise was able to make it clear to the jury during his cross-examination that the alleged tampering with the car and the drugs appearing in it must have happened while it was in Hunter’s possession, after he received it on October 19 and before Hallie searched. it on October 23.

It showed that Hunter used drugs during that period, while he still owned his Colt Cobra .38 Special that he bought on October 12.

An image submitted as evidence

More evidence submitted by the prosecution

When Wise handed Lowell the 20 pages of text messages, he exclaimed, “This is the first time we’ve seen these.”

The judge dismissed his concerns, telling him “it’s a cross-examination,” where prosecutors are allowed to surprise with such evidence.

Lowell had even admitted in court on Thursday that his team had access to Hunter’s entire abandoned laptop from which the texts were taken – meaning he should have been able to anticipate such an ambush.

After Naomi and the jury left for the lunch break, the defense team gathered and had a whispered conversation.

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