JD Vance says Kamala Harris didn’t pick Josh Shapiro because of Democrats’ ‘anti-Semitism’

Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance tried to stoke a split that Democrats hope to avoid, saying Kamala Harris did not pick Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro because of “anti-Semitism” in her own party.

Vance made the comment as some Republican strategists welcomed the selection of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate, believing Democrats had left one of their brightest talents on the bench by choosing the more understated — some would say dull — Walz as her running mate.

“Well, look, if it’s not, Josh Shapiro … I think they didn’t pick Shapiro, frankly, because of the anti-Semitism in their own caucus and in their own party. I think it’s outrageous that the Democrats have gotten to this point where it’s even an open conversation, and it is an open conversation,” Vance told conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt Tuesday morning.

That came after Hewitt told his guest, “If it’s not Josh Shapiro, if they pick Tim Walz, who makes Justin Timberlake look like he’s the most boring man in America. If it’s not Josh Shapiro, and that’s because he’s going to be Jewish and he’s a supporter of Israel.”

In Shapiro, Harris had a potential running mate who had outpolled Joe Biden in his home state and could even have helped Harris in three Republican-held districts.

Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance alleged that Vice President Kamala Harris indulged in “anti-Semitism” by not selecting Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, who is considered by many Democrats to be a unique political talent, as her running mate

But his candidacy has already faced opposition from the party’s progressive wing and risked upsetting a large part of the party, which is angry about the Biden administration’s support for Israel while its war against Hamas in Gaza continues.

“They saw what happened in the campus protests in the spring. They saw how divided their base was,” one Republican strategist said, referring to protests and Biden opposition during the primary in Dearborn, Michigan.

“They were afraid that if Shapiro got elected, those people would stay home,” the strategist added.

“I think Shapiro would have done very, very well. And such a much more dynamic political talent than Walz is. Walz, I think of him as the equivalent of (Virginia Sen.) Tim Kaine. Very boring. I’m not going to lose it for her, but I’m certainly not going to win it for her.”

Biden and Harris have faced pro-Palestinian protesters at events since Biden began his campaign, though the “non-commitment” protest movement has waned following Biden’s primary victories and his eventual decision to step down.

Republicans still believe there is background information on Walz, who served 12 years in the House of Representatives before becoming governor of Minnesota.

Trump attempted to brand him a “dangerous liberal” in an email soliciting fundraising, saying he would “unleash HELL ON EARTH.”

Some Republicans see Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as a “boring” alternative to Pennsylvania’s Josh Shaprio. But he also pioneered the “weird” attack on Donald Trump

Republicans circulated a clip of Walls telling his supporters: “Never shy away from our progressive values. One man’s socialism is another man’s neighbor.”

That came after he urged Democrats to find ways to reach out to MAGA supporters. “These are our neighbors and our family members, and at their core they’re good people,” he said during a fundraising meeting.

“Tim Walz? What a relief,” wrote former Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway.

The Republican National Committee has already been busy defining Walz, calling him “extremely ‘woke’” and saying he “hesitated for three days to deploy the Minnesota National Guard as the Twin Cities burned in the riots that followed the death of George Floyd.”

One Democratic strategist described some of the pushback Harris faced for her selection. “I imagine they’re looking at the explosion of enthusiasm from young people and they’re afraid to nominate him if there’s a risk of Gaza coming back into the conversation,” the strategist told me. Politics.

There were reasons for Harris to go with the little-known Walz. He helped pioneer the “weird” attack on Donald Trump. His selection won’t antagonize her base. And while his state hasn’t gone Republican since 1972, he has the ability to campaign in rural areas where Democrats are losing ground.

The 60-year-old Army National Guard veteran is a former geography teacher and high school football coach. He has some simple manners but can still attack. He calls Trump and Vance “a robber baron, a real estate guy, a venture capitalist who wants to tell us they understand who we are.”

Harris, in her official announcement, called him “a battle-scarred leader with an incredible track record of getting things done for Minnesota families. I know he will bring that same principled leadership to our campaign and to the vice president’s office.”

Trump posted a two-word message on his Truth Social platform Tuesday morning, shortly after Harris announced her choice of Walz.

“THANK YOU!” he wrote.

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