J.D. Vance doubles down on ‘childless cat lady’ comments AGAIN as he is grilled on Fox News about the Republicans who don’t have kids

Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance responded to critics of his comments about “childless cat ladies,” claiming that those who criticized him were lying about what he said.

The 39-year-old senator from Ohio was a guest on Fox News’ “Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy,” where he reiterated his point.

“If you look at what the left has done, they have taken this radically out of context and even aggressively lied about what I said,” Vance alleged.

“What I do think, Trey, and what I mean is the essence of what I said in those remarks three years ago, but what I will continue to say, is that the left is increasingly anti-children and anti-family,” he continued.

The appearance Sunday night was Vance’s latest attempt to clarify his comments in a recently resurfaced 2021 clip that drew fierce criticism from Democrats and prominent women.

JD Vance Appeared on Fox News Where He Doubled Down on His ‘Childish’ Plans

When Vance ran for Senate, he appeared on Fox News, where he told then-host Tucker Carlson the US was run by ‘a bunch of childless cat ladies.

He claimed that they ‘are unhappy with their own lives and the choices they have made, and therefore they want to make the rest of the country unhappy as well.’

He specifically mentioned Vice President Kamala Harris, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Pete Buttigieg.

‘The entire future of the Democrats “is controlled by people without children,” Vance said. ‘How is it possible that we have handed over our country to people who actually have no direct interest in it?’

On Sunday, Gowdy Vance pointed out that there have been many leaders without biological children, from George Washington to former Republican Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

“I think you will agree with me that direct descendants are not necessary to be fully involved in the future of this country,” Gowdy said.

“Of course not, Trey. I do think that parenthood has a profound effect on one’s perspective and we need to honor and respect that,” Vance said.

“But there are a lot of people who, for various reasons, don’t have children. And they are certainly wonderful people who can fully participate in the life of this country.”

From that point on, Vance redoubled his attack on the Democrats.

“They have encouraged young families not to have children at all because of concerns about climate change,” he claimed.

“They’ve suggested that people who do have children are somehow selfish, whereas I think parenting is the most selfless thing you can do. And again, it really changes your perspective,” he said.

Vance argued that Trump is a “true defender of parents and families” as he took aim at Democrats in response to criticism over his 2021 comment about a “childless cat lady”

But his criticism that Democrats are “anti-child, anti-family” comes as Harris and Democrats campaign on affordable child care and paid parental leave.

Vance has been pushing back against the fallout from his 2021 comments for several days, which angered women across the country, including actress Jennifer Aniston’s brutal response to thousands of Taylor Swift fans on Instagram.

Last week, Vance taped an episode of The Megyn Kelly Show in which he claimed his “childless cat lady” comment was a “sarcastic remark.”

The Republican Party vice presidential candidate also addressed Democratic policies in his interview with Kelly.

He claimed that Harris’ campaign is against extending the Child Tax Credit. That has proven to be false.

Harris has called for extending the child tax credit, which Democrats approved in the 2021 American Rescue Plan.

Vance repeated his claim on Gowdy’s show on Sunday.

“How did we get to a point where Kamala Harris is calling for an end to child support? How did we get to a point where we’ve been masking toddlers for years after the pandemic? I think it’s because we’ve radically underrepresented the perspective of parents in our public discourse,” Vance said.

Trump’s running mate claimed that the former president is the “true defender of parents and families.”

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