IRS Whistleblower X revealed as gay Democrat Joe Ziegler compared coming forward in Hunter Biden case to his ‘coming out’

The mystery of Whistleblower X was revealed Wednesday as Joseph Ziegler, who has been with the IRS since 2010 and claims Hunter Biden received preferential treatment in the investigation into his financial dealings.

Prior to his appearance, Mr. Ziegler’s name tag was placed on the witness table next to the place of the revealed whistleblower and IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley.

In his testimony obtained by ahead of the hearing, Ziegler identifies himself as a “gay Democrat married to a man” and assures his coming forward is not politically motivated.

Ziegler works in the International Tax and Financial Crimes Division and was the lead agent in the Hunter Biden investigation. He says he acknowledges he is “risking my career” by coming forward and said he has been called a “traitor to the Democratic Party.”

IRS Detective Joseph Ziegler (pictured) showed his face for the first time on Wednesday after blowing the whistle on preferential treatment in the Hunter Biden case — and previously identified only as Whistleblower X

Ziegler (right) joined fellow IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley (left) to give their testimony about how they were prevented from following usual procedure when investigating Hunter Biden

Supervisor James Comer, R-Ky., said, “I know it wasn’t easy to see their testimony on the DOJ-FBI investigation confirm there is nothing normal about the Biden family.”

Comer invited Ways and Means chairman Rep. Jason Smith, R-Mo., to speak at the top of the hearing and share what his panel learned during their investigation of Hunter Biden’s tax records.

“The president only believes that taxpayers should pay their fair share if they don’t share his last name,” Smith claimed. “These two courageous whistleblowers gave my committee damning testimony proving that the administration does not treat all taxpayers equally in the DOJ and that the IRS gave preferential treatment to the president’s son.”

The Republican lawmaker insisted, “Americans shouldn’t accept two levels of judgment — one if your last name is Biden and one for everyone else.”

Ways and Means is tasked with ensuring that all taxpayers are treated fairly by the IRS, especially the wealthy, well-connected, and influential American taxpayers.

Smith denounced President Joe Biden and his allies for a “cruel smear campaign” against the two whistleblowers who came forward — even though one of the whistleblowers is now known to be a Democrat.

The congressman said it is a dangerous game to take steps that would discourage other whistleblowers from coming forward to expose federal government misconduct in the future.

“This is a disgrace,” the Missouri representative said. “I urge every IRS employee watching today, if you know of any misconduct, speak to the Ways and Means Committee so we can hold those responsible accountable.”

Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (left) invited Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (right) to his hearing Wednesday to present what he found in its investigation into whether the IRS treats all Americans fairly

The two IRS whistleblowers will publicly share details with the House Oversight panel on Wednesday about how they were prevented from conducting a fair investigation into Hunter Biden’s shady business accounts.

Prior to Wednesday, Ziegler was identified by the panel only as a “criminal investigator” and referred to as “Whistleblower X.”

Zielger emphasizes in his opening statement that he just wants American people to “know the truth” about Hunter Biden’s special treatment.

While Shapley has already made a public appearance to make his claims against the Bidens, Ziegler remained anonymous as Whistleblower X until he first revealed his name and face on Capitol Hill Wednesday afternoon.

Oversight Chairman Comer described the findings in thousands of pages of the Biden family’s financial records as “astonishing.”

What were the Bidens selling? Nothing but influence and access to the Biden network. This is an influence plan to enrich the Bidens,” Comer said. “We need to know if Joe Biden is endangered by these plans and if our national security is threatened.”

Ziegler said he’s “no more credible than this guy sitting next to me because of my sexual orientation or my political beliefs,” while people started claiming he’s more credible because he’s a gay Democrat.

“The American people deserve to know the truth, no matter how inconvenient or inconvenient it may be for political parties or those in power.”

Shapley and Ziegler claim that 53-year-old Hunter received special treatment because of his father.

The Oversight investigation examines whether Hunter Biden received preferential treatment in the investigation of his wrongdoings because of his father’s position. Comer insists: ‘We need to know if Joe Biden is endangered by these plans and if our national security is threatened’

One of the whistleblowers testifying is IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley (pictured), the other is identified only as ‘Whistleblower X’ and their identities will be revealed for the first time at the hearing

New revelations this week indicate that an FBI attorney told an agent investigating Hunter to dodge questions from the Oversight Commission about the first son.

The agent, whose name was redacted, received the letter from FBI attorney Jason Jones on Sunday — the day before they were scheduled to testify before the Oversight Committee.

Jones told the agent to tell Oversight to “refer such questions to the FBI’s Office of Congressional Affairs instead.”

“The Department expects you to decline to respond to inquiries regarding non-public information likely to be covered by one or more components of executive privilege or other important confidentiality interests, particularly information regarding deliberations or ongoing investigative activities in law enforcement matters,” the ministry said. lawyer. added

“The agent’s testimony is sickening and reveals just how far the DOJ is willing to go to cover up the Bidens,” the Oversight Committee tweeted Monday.

FBI attorney Jason Jones sent a letter to an agent — whose name has been redacted — just hours before they were due to testify before the commission on Sunday, instructing them to dodge questions about the First Son

In his opening remarks to the committee on Wednesday, Shapley will reiterate his claim that the handling of the Hunter Biden investigation was unusual and tainted with special treatment.

“I’m here to tell you that the handling of the Hunter Biden tax investigation by the Delaware USAO (U.S. Attorneys Office) and the Justice Department was very unlike any other case in my 14 years with the IRS,” Shapley will say .

In addition, the FBI agent told the Republicans who led the Oversight Committee investigation that Joe Biden’s presidential transition team was tipped off the night before Hunter’s interview with detectives.

“This was not the career agents’ original plan, which frustrated their investigative efforts because people found out who didn’t need to know,” the commission said.

Democrats were quick to dismiss the agent’s claim — saying it’s common for the FBI and DOJ to disagree on how to proceed with an investigation.

The Oversight and Accountability Committee is looking into the handling of investigations into President Biden, his son Hunter and the rest of the Biden family.

Republicans have long claimed the Bidens are corrupt and insist the president was involved, or at least knew, that his son and other family members used his position for their financial gain and business enrichment.

At the center of GOP investigations into the Bidens is Hunter Biden’s shady foreign business deals.

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