I’m a psychologist – here are the most common dreams about work and what they mean for your career

A psychologist has revealed the meaning behind your workplace dreams – and if you’re tossing and turning worrying you’ll be fired, it’s probably a reflection of how competent you feel in the office.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, people tend to sleep up to two and a half hours extra per night in the winter, leaving more room for dreams — and sometimes nightmares.

Research shows that more than half (55%) of British workers regularly dream about work, while over a quarter (28%) have a work-related nightmare at least once a week. But what do these dreams actually mean?

Specialists in the field of office furniture Furniture at work have teamed up with India-based psychologist Arouba Kabir Pathan, who specializes in dream analysis, to discover exactly why we have work dreams – and what they mean.

“If you notice an increase in the frequency of these dreams, this could very well be influenced by several work-related factors, such as job stress, career satisfaction and overall engagement with your work, so it’s important to think about what they could mean,” she said. Arouba. FEMALE.

One of the most common work dreams is being late or somehow unprepared (stock image)

The expert added that it is common for people to bring emotions from dreams into consciousness, which can be noticed by colleagues or employers.

‘Work dreams can affect our emotions and mindset when we wake up, potentially influencing our behavior at work.

“So if someone dreams about a conflict with a colleague, they may carry residual emotions into their interactions the next day.”

Here, Arouba reveals the meanings behind some of the most common work-related dreams…

1. Being late or unprepared

One of the most common work dreams is being late or somehow unprepared.

“If you have dreams where you feel anxious and unprepared, this may reflect a fear of not meeting expectations at work,” says Arouba.

‘It could also mean that you have a fear of failure at certain tasks at work, or that you feel unprepared for a challenge ahead.’

2. Conflict with colleagues or boss

To dream of conflict can be stressful and may be indicative of a deeper-rooted problem with communication in the workplace.

Arouba revealed, “This type of dream reflects interpersonal issues or power dynamics at work. It can also indicate unresolved conflicts or the need for better communication.”

3. Job loss or demotion

Many people dream of losing their jobs, which the expert says reveals their concerns about job security and job performance.

Arouba said: “To dream of relegation means the fear of losing job security.

‘It can also raise concerns about your own competence and performance.’

Psychologist Arouba Kabir Pathan told FEMAIL: ‘To dream of being demoted means the fear of losing job security.’ (stock image)

4. Repetitive tasks or mundane work

Dreaming about your daily, repetitive tasks may not be as harmless as you think – and could even mean it’s time to look for a new job.

“Monotonous work dreams may reflect feelings of boredom, routine, or dissatisfaction with current tasks,” Arouba explains.

5. Do other work

Although dreams about current jobs are common, many people also experience dreams about new ventures.

‘This reflects a desire for change or dissatisfaction with your current job. It could also indicate a need for personal growth and exploration,” Arouba said.

6. Being chased at work

To dream of being chased is very common, but to dream of being chased specifically at work could indicate increasing pressure.

“To dream of being chased by a coworker shows that you are feeling overwhelmed, chased by responsibilities, or avoiding something important in your professional life,” Arouba said.

7. Missing a deadline

A dream about missing a deadline can cause many to wake up in panic. This type of dream may show that you are concerned about meeting expectations.

Arouba explained, “These types of dreams can express stress about time management, fear of not meeting expectations, or concerns about not achieving goals.”

A dream about missing a deadline can cause many to wake up in panic. This type of dream could show that you are concerned about meeting expectations (stock image)

8. Inability to communicate

Dreams in which you cannot speak or communicate can be stressful.

“These types of dreams show problems expressing yourself at work,” Arouba said.

“You may feel unheard or face challenges in communicating ideas effectively.”

9. Success and recognition

Not all work dreams are based on negative situations.

“Positive work dreams, such as receiving compliments or a promotion, can indicate a desire for recognition, achievement, or positive self-evaluation,” Arouba explains.

“Although the dream is positive, it may show something that you are missing in your working life.”

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