I own a cafe in Queensland and this is the harsh reality of doing business in a cost of living crisis

I own a cafe in Queensland and this is the harsh reality of doing business in a cost of living crisis

A devastated young cafe owner has had her new business broken into and looted, with thieves leaving a damage bill expected to run into the thousands.

The hunt is on for the brazen thieves who broke into Lola’s Coffee Bar, south of Brisbane early on Sunday.

Owner Marie David shared shocking footage of the trail of destruction she was faced with when she arrived shortly after the break-in.

The front door and windows were completely smashed, while potted plants and other items were scattered across the floor.

Ms David and her family ran to the cafe after a knock on the door at 3am from police informing them of the burglary.

She took over the cafe from her brother four months ago, who operates a barbershop in the same premises.

Lola’s Coffee Bar owner Marie David (pictured) was shocked by the entrance.

She has been left shaken by the ordeal and fears it will happen again.

“I was scared and depressed when the police came to our door, especially being a young business owner,” Ms David told Daily Mail Australia.

“I was in shock as I honestly thought that something like this would never happen to us.

“I’m afraid it will happen again.”

The popular cafe was open for take-out only on Sunday when the major clean-up job began.

While the damage has been cleaned up, repairs will continue throughout the week.

“This will affect business, but the priority for us right now is everyone’s safety,” she said.

“The best thing to come out of this is the number of customers who have come and shown their support.”

Ms David is grateful no one was harmed as Queensland’s crime wave worsens and bears no ill will towards those responsible.

Investigations into the theft continue.

“I don’t have much to say about the government, but I understand there’s a lot of pressure on the cost of living at the moment and people are turning to these things,” she said.

‘I forgive whoever it was. I just hope they don’t cause any further damage.’

The devastated cafe owner said repairs would continue throughout the week. In the photo is the front window and the broken door

The police are looking for the brazen thieves who caused great damage during the theft

Her main message is for other business owners to be safety conscious and that it can happen to anyone.

“Be vigilant as these thefts are happening more and more, all the time,” she said.

Ms David hopes the cafe will bounce back from the setback.

It comes after Ms David shared harrowing TikTok footage of the injury.

“As a business owner, this is something I couldn’t prepare for,” she explains.

“This was something I was reluctant to share on social media because we are at our most vulnerable, but I also wanted to make other business owners and the community aware that these things happen to normal people and it happens all the time. .’

“We are truly grateful to our community and to those who came out today to offer their support or lend an ear.”

The young cafe owner fears her business will be targeted again. In the photo is the damage

(tagsTranslate) daily mail(s) news(s) Queensland(s) Crime(s) Brisbane

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