How would you stack up next to T.Rex? Interactive chart reveals the TRUE size of the dinosaurs – and you’ll be shocked at how small some species really were!

  • This Incredible Image Shows How You Would Relate to Famous Dinosaurs
  • Some of the smallest dinosaurs were no bigger than a house cat

The idea of ​​facing a dinosaur may sound like a nightmare.

But as this interactive video shows, many of the dinosaurs were much smaller than Jurassic Park would have you believe.

At the truly colossal end of the scale were gigantic creatures like the Spinosaurus, which towered over the ancient landscape at nearly 5.4 metres (18 feet) tall.

This semi-aquatic predator lurked on the tidal flats of North Africa 99 million years ago and owes its height largely to its spectacular fin, which may have helped it swim to catch prey.

At the other end of the spectrum was the minuscule Anchiornis, which probably just gnawed on your ankles.

This tiny dinosaur was only 30 centimeters tall and no bigger than a house cat when it roamed the Earth 150 million years ago.

So, which dinosaurs could you rub shoulders with? Scroll through this image to find out.

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