How to find your sleep window and catch better ZZZs


Do you find that despite your best efforts, you’re not getting the quality sleep you need every night? It’s possible that even if you’ve invested in the best mattress and pillow to match, you still struggle to fall asleep and wake up tired and irritable in the morning after a night of inadequate sleep.

If that’s you, it can be helpful to find out what your sleeping period is. Essentially, it describes the optimal time period in which a person should fall asleep to get the most restful night; the tricky part is that everyone has their own individual sleep window which is slightly different so there’s no right answer to when it should be.

According to Chloe Angus, Wellness Manager at Cavendish concern (opens in new tab), figuring it out is a matter of trial and error; using curiosity and openness to become aware of when you actually feel sleepy. “We suggest it’s a good idea to start experimenting between 9:30 and 11:30 p.m.,” she says, “since most people’s optimal sleep window falls within this time.”

However, she also notes that it may not be that simple, as other factors can affect the timing and quality of your sleep, such as stress and alcohol, not to mention things like diet, mood, and use of electronic devices. . Chloe suggests that being aware of these factors should make it easier for you to tune into your body and recognize when you feel most tired.

Chloe adds that if you develop a good sleep routine and regularly fall asleep within your optimal window, you can create a positive brain habit for sleep, which will in turn improve your overall sleep status. Read on to discover her tips for doing just that.

6 tips to find your personal sleeping period

1. Aim for eight hours of sleep

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Eight hours of sleep is the standard sleep recommendation for many, but it may not be the right amount for you. “Whether you feel like you need the recommended 8 hours of sleep or not,” says Chloe, “refer to this metric when finding your own sleep window. For example, if you need to get up at 6 a.m., try to 10 p.m. to sleep, and adjust accordingly.”

2. Don’t expect to drop out right away

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It’s easy to fall into the trap of not falling asleep right away and then being kept awake by worrying that you can’t get to sleep. Chloe points out that it’s very rare to fall asleep as soon as our head hits the pillow, so you need to factor in the time it takes to actually fall asleep. “If you’re aiming to fall asleep at 10 p.m., go to bed at 9 p.m. if it takes you a while to settle down,” she says. Also consider preparing your body and mind for sleep with a sleep-friendly routine during the early evening, avoiding anything that could affect your sleepiness.

3. Cut back on caffeine and snacks

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We all know that certain foods and drinks can keep you up at night. So, says Chloe, you should limit your caffeine intake and avoid snacking late at night. “Ideally,” she suggests, “avoid caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee, and energy drinks from midday onward, and eat fully at least 2 to 3 hours before you want to fall asleep to give your body a chance to properly digest food for bedtime.”

4. Put your phone down

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The blue light your phone emits can overstimulate the mind into thinking it’s daylight, making it harder to get to sleep, but even if you fixed that by activating a dark mode, doomscrolling on the late night are just as good. bad for your sleep, so Chloe suggests you avoid looking at your devices late at night. “Turn off phone notifications by using the Do Not Disturb feature on your phone,” she suggests, “use nighttime filters and avoid engaging, stimulating TV or movie content in the run-up to bedtime.”

5. Build a bedtime routine

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Our minds and bodies love a good routine; it saves us the effort of thinking about what we’re doing, making it easier to form new, healthier habits. So, says Chloe, you should take advantage of this by developing a nighttime routine to optimize your sleep window. “Having a healthy bedtime routine that includes things like reading, listening to relaxing music, or performing a step-by-step skincare routine will help calm you down before going to bed,” she says, “and help you reach that ideal sleep time period needed for your sleep .” welfare.”

6. Stay on track with a sleep diary

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Finally, while you may start working on your sleep window with the best of intentions, it’s easy to let things slip. To avoid that, Chloe suggests writing a sleep diary; taking notes of mental distractions and giving yourself daily deadlines to keep yourself consistent. “For example,” she suggests, “last cup of coffee at noon, herbal and decaffeinated drinks only after this time; evening meal until 7 p.m.; turn off phone/TV and start bedtime routine at 9 p.m. With these distractions out of the way, you will be able to discern when your body usually wants to fall asleep naturally.”

Want to know more about finding your ideal sleeping window? Mattress Online has all the details on it tune your sleep to your natural rhythms (opens in new tab).

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