How can workers get a ‘just transition’ amid the climate crisis?

On Friday 2 June at 19:30 GMT:
Trade unions around the world have been at the forefront of efforts to restore, protect and improve workers’ rights for decades. But as the global climate crisis intensifies, they demand a labor-friendly green future.

Environmental groups have lobbied governments for years to move quickly from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, and now a growing number of labor movements are pushing for a “just transition” in which workers have a voice. The International Labor Organization will also discuss ways to make such a transition during its annual conference from June 5.

In a recent sign of how labor organizations are prioritizing climate change, the annual convention of the Canadian Labor Congress heard of climate-focused union representatives who warned of the impact of wildfires and floods on working people. The union later pledged support for clean energy and green industrial policies that will guarantee workers reliable union jobs.

Unions are also working with environmental groups to draw public attention to the climate crisis. April unions joined the Greata mass demonstration in London led by Extinction Rebellion.

But some unions are nevertheless wary of what the future holds for working people amid the transition to low-carbon energy sources. The South African National Union of Metalworkers (NUMSA) is one of those who have done so concern expressed that a recent energy transition investment deal between the country’s government and several Western countries will lead to more privatization of the energy sector and put jobs at risk. The union advocates a sustainable energy sector in public ownership.

In this episode of The Stream, we look at how unions are fighting for workers during the climate crisis and wonder what it will take to bring about a truly just transition from fossil fuels.

In this episode of The Stream we are joined by:
Diana Junquera Curiel, @dianajunquerac
Director of Energy and Just Transition, IndustriALL Global Union

Enos Mbulaheni Mbodi, @MbodiMbulaheni
National Secretary of the National Stop Stewards Council in ESKOM and union representative on the Presidential Climate Commission

Anabella Rozenberg, @anabella_tu
International Program Director, Greenpeace International

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