Horrifying moment Los Angeles teen is beaten and stabbed at bonfire party by violent mob who filmed attack and posted it online – as victim fights for his life in hospital

Video footage has captured the horrific moment a Los Angeles teenager was beaten and stabbed at a campfire party by a gang who filmed the attack and posted it online.

The 16-year-old boy spent days in intensive care with serious injuries to his life.

The brutal attack took place on Feb. 10 at Dockweiler State Beach, where video shows the teen was repeatedly punched, punched, trampled and stabbed by at least five people before the crowd robbed him of his sneakers.

The teen reportedly tried to help a young girl when he was challenged to a fight which he turned down before being attacked.

16-year-old boy was beaten and stabbed at a campfire party in Los Angeles after trying to help a young girl

Video footage captured an angry mob of up to five teenagers punching, stomping and punching him before stealing his sneakers

The teenager (pictured), whose name has not been given, may have been the victim of a gang attack

The suspects shouted racist and homophobic slurs as they punched the teen. The video of the violent attack has since circulated online.

The victim’s mother, Frankie Hayes, believes it is gang related.

“They called him all kinds of names, kicked him in the head and in the face and stabbed him,” Frankie told KTLA.

Frankie said her son suffered a concussion, a tube through his chest, a collapsed lung and other injuries. Doctors didn’t know if he would survive.

“The doctor said as soon as we walked through the door, ‘We didn’t know if your son was going to live,’” the victim’s mother, Frankie, said. KTL.

“I just started crying and I went over and held my son’s head and told him mom wasn’t going anywhere.”

The victim spent days in intensive care in critical condition and clinging to his life

The teenager was left with a concussion, a tube through his chest and a collapsed lung

‘He had a punctured lung and a concussion. They had to put a tube through his chest to suck out all the blood,” she added.

The teen stayed out of trouble and was “loved by everyone,” his mother said.

“My son helped a friend,” she told KTLA. “He helped her up and then a man just asked him to stop, and then all my son wanted to do was help his friend. The man asked him if he wanted to fight, and my son didn’t want to fight him.”

“I’m still at a loss for words knowing that someone did this to him and they can still look for him,” she said.

Los Angeles police have reportedly identified some of the attackers. The investigation into the attack is still ongoing.

The teen’s mother, Frankie (pictured), who asked that her last name be withheld, said doctors told her ‘we didn’t know if your son would live’

The brutal attack happened on Feb. 10 at Dockweiler State Beach

In addition to mounting medical bills, the victim’s mother now wants to move for safety reasons. She put on a GoFundMe For support.

‘Hello, my name is Frankie. I am reaching out to the community for support for my son. He was brutally beaten and stabbed several times, resulting in a punctured lung and numerous other injuries. This took place. at Dockweiler Beach on Feb. 10,” she wrote.

‘All donations, regardless of amount, are greatly appreciated. Our goal is to move as quickly as possible for fear of retaliation as we have fully cooperated with law enforcement.”

“Thank you to all of you who donated or simply took the time to bring attention to this tragic incident.”

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