Hilarious photos from decades past have gone viral after families shared their most uncomfortable memories for millions to see.
From disturbing childhood visits from Santa Claus to humiliating school photos, some family photo albums seem to be a little more embarrassing than others.
The images have been unearthed by Instagram sensation @AwkwardFamilyPhotos, who has posted more than 9,000 snaps shared by families across the United States over the course of a decade.
In a senior school photo from 2001, a former student admitted to wearing a mob because his mother ordered him to cut his hair short. The duct tape suit did not come with the same explanation.
A disturbing photograph of a family outing to see Santa Claus in 1985 generated a series of outrageous reactions
A nightmarish image shared by a Sesame Street-themed woman from her second birthday in 1989 was a hilarious hit on social media.
Social media has been inundated with hilarious comments after the outlandish images circulated, with the startling snaps prompting many to chime in on the weirdest and most outlandish family photos.
After a father shared a bizarre image of his six-year-old son sleeping with his leg floating uncomfortably over his head, one viewer quipped: “That’s why you read the assembly instructions.”
And when another revealed a nightmarish image of her Sesame Street-themed birthday, her uncle’s lack of matching tights inside a Big Bird costume quickly became the lynchpin.
‘Yeah. It was just the missing tights that let this costume down,’ one commenter sarcastically quipped.
“I’m glad I’m too young to remember 1989 because it seems like a horrible time,” added another.
This “friendly neighborhood Spider-Man” was booked for a third birthday party, an appearance the hapless dad called “the most awkward half hour of my life.”
A father revealed his six-year-old son’s strange sleeping position to strident comments.
A parent said his son ‘inexplicably shaved off an eyebrow’ before school picture day, and the photographer came up with an unorthodox solution.
No one likes looking back at all their high school yearbook photos, but some are certainly better than others.
In a hysterical moment, a parent insisted his son was left with an odd complexion after he “inexplicably shaved off an eyebrow” ahead of school picture day.
“Apparently, the photographer insisted that I draw him again for the photo,” they added, leading to a picture of the student with a thick, sharp eyebrow.
And in another popular post, a family portrait was upstaged by her ridiculous blockbuster-movie-themed fashion choices.
“Apparently, the ghostbuster craze got the better of my mom,” the humiliated relative recalled. “She made us walk around the mall in those stupid t-shirts to get our picture taken.”
‘From the look on my sister’s face, I don’t think she was too thrilled with the idea either.’
This family’s ridiculous fashion choices stole the show in their Ghostbusters-themed portrait
A family was instructed to ‘make funny faces’ for a Bat Mitzvah portrait, leading to this hilarious snap
A boy remembered that the subject of his family portrait was ‘trash’, which inspired this nostalgic snap.
After a lurid image of themselves as youngsters inside an inflatable container was shared with the page’s million followers, Kelly Koelker recalled that the portrait was “trash.”
“And the winner of ‘worst baby portrait subject’ is…” one commenter quipped.
And when a photographer instructed a witty family to ‘make faces’ for their daughter’s Bat Mitzvah, the resulting image was unforgettable.
“My mom took it to the next level,” they added, an understatement clearly accepted by the amused viewers.
Adding to the long tradition of the Bat Mitzvah as a coming-of-age party, one social media user commented that the matriarch “looks so fun, and I bet she looked stunning as the proud mama that day.”
‘Who else tried to make the same face as mom?’ questioned another.
Instagram commenters quickly grew wise after this heartbreaking image circulated online, with one joking that this was the day this young man “became a man.”
Years after using his headless doll as a nap buddy, a dad shared this hilarious photo as a nostalgic family favourite.
A young mother stunned online after a picture of her using her sleeping toddler as a dinner table went viral.
Embarrassing childhood snaps are a common feature of the hysterical photo gallery, as many adults share their early childhood memories for all to enjoy.
After a fan shared a humiliating photo of themselves at a ‘family reunion’ holding an inflatable mannequin on their shoulders, viewers had a field day.
“This is the day your son became a man,” joked one commenter.
Another quipped: “Who taught you that charging method?”
A bizarre image making the rounds saw a father share an image of his daughter napping next to his haunting headless doll.
And another depicted a young mother using her baby as a handy dinner table while the youngster took a quick nap.
Families have flocked to the shocking social media page to share the funniest images from home, including this inappropriate trip to the zoo.
The family who shared this hilarious tan snap explained that their grandfather “fished a lot and played golf.”
The owner of this 1970s image of his grandparents in Hawaii recalled, “No, that’s not the grandma on the right…she’s on the left looking down.”
An image of a grandmother having a drink at a family gathering in 1974 with the note “good to the last drop” was an instant classic.
This dad was apparently out for a run, before taking a short break to stretch his back. “I found him asleep 30 minutes later,” his son commented later.