‘He looks like he could take me’: Biden tells heckler to ‘shush up’ – but backs off when he sees him – then threatens to ‘expire’ Republicans who don’t back his healthcare plans

President Joe Biden took on a heckler who interrupted his speech at the DC train station and then joked that the man could probably beat him in a fight.

Biden immediately became furious after touting provisions in his American Rescue Plan that included the “largest investment in child care ever.”

At that point, a man briefly interrupted his comments, tied to “Caregiver Recognition Month.”

‘I’ll tell you what. You want to come give a speech or shut up, okay?” Then Biden added, “He looks like he can handle me,” drawing laughter from the crowd of supporters.

He quickly moved on and continued his comments.

President Joe Biden said it was time to ‘expire’ Republican lawmakers who allowed an expanded child tax credit to expire

Biden couldn’t resist making comments about the station where he commuted home to Delaware for 36 years, where he said it was time to “defund” Republicans who allowed an expanded child tax credit to lapse.

Biden held an official event at Union Station, down Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House, where he announced home health care workers and slammed Republicans for going after the Affordable Care Act.

Biden couldn’t resist a train during remarks at the colossal station. “I commuted here every day from the state of Delaware for thirty-six years,” he said.

“When I was elected, I was 26, 29 years old,” said Biden, 81, as he retold the tragic story of the deaths of his wife and daughter. “Thank God I had a family and a lot of friends, older relatives like me” who could help care for his sons.

Biden spoke about investing in the “care economy” at Union Station, where he commuted home to Delaware for decades

‘I couldn’t afford the care. God’s truth,” Biden said. “Look, healthcare providers represent the best of who we are in America. We will not leave anyone behind,” he said.

Biden hammered Republicans in Congress for allowing an expanded child tax credit to expire. It is credited reducing child poverty.

“Our Republican friends let that play out,” he said. “Well, we have to drop some politics.

He also accused them of trying to repeal the ACA.

“They want to end the Affordable Care Act. End it. Guess? Killing millions of Americans, cutting health insurance, stripping others of services like home health care,” he said. “By the way, do you know how many times they tried to take out Obamacare? Forty-nine times. They can keep trying, but they won’t succeed.’

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