‘Gospel by Gen Z’ becomes an internet sensation: TikTok account updates Bible with modern slang terms – calling God the ‘top G’, Jesus the ‘main character’ and Mary a ‘pick me girl’ who is ‘simping for God’

A Gen Z blogger has become an internet sensation by retelling the Biblical Gospels with modern jargon.

The US-based TikTok account ‘Gen Z Bible Stories’ has attracted millions of viewers by translating stories from the Bible into today’s jargon.

Jesus’ mother Mary has been redefined as a “choose me girl” – a term for a woman who goes out of her way to impress men by making sure she isn’t like other women and doesn’t enjoy typically feminine things.

The account also says that the Madonna is “playing God” – a term usually referring to giving too much attention and affection to a romantic interest.

Meanwhile, the stories say God is the “top g” in one clip, while Jesus is called the “main character” in it one clip.

The creator behind the account remains anonymous, but his popularity multiplies with each video, so much so that a merchandise store is launched.

A TikTok account, Gen Z Bible Stories, has retold Gospels from the Bible using slang terms including “simp”

Despite the modern-day retelling, the videos have received huge support, with one labeling the account a “masterpiece.”

In one video, “Gospel Part 7,” in which the narrator calls Jesus’ mother Mary a “simp,” nearly half a million viewers gave the video a thumbs-up.

The video translated the Immaculate Conception with the words: Mary was a picky girl before God and was praying for him when the angel Gabriel appeared to her and said, “You have passed God’s vibe check and he wants you to become the mother of the main character, the son of the top G.

“She said, ‘How can this be, since I promised him that my body count will always be 0’?”

“He said, ‘This isn’t about cuffing season, because the Holy Spirit will live in you for free.’

‘So she said, ‘Bet,’ and Gabriel read it, and she got the Holy Ghost boiling.'”

While the video stated “Part 7,” the creator’s previous videos seem to have disappeared from the account.

Nevertheless, viewers were quick to share their positive opinion of the video. One simply said, “This is a masterpiece.”

“I think I’ve finally found my faith,” added a second.

The creator behind the account remains anonymous, but his popularity multiplies with each video, so much so that a merchandise store is opened

Viewers flocked to the comment section to share their thoughts on the video, with one calling it a “masterpiece”

A third said: ‘The only church I would go to’

A fourth wrote: ‘Your words make me as excited as we all were in Catholic elementary school in the 1960s. The nuns started with a guitar mass to get the young people to church.’

Daniel Singleton, national executive director of Faith Action, which empowers faith-based organizations through communication, took a similar line of thought.

He said to FEMAIL: ‘It’s a bit rough and ready, but it offers a more current approach to looking at the Bible.

“Christians believe the Bible is the word of God and not just a ‘classic document’, it is meant to influence our lives and how we view the world.”

“Jesus was very approachable and reached people on the margins. In that sense, this report follows an important Christian tradition.’

Similarly, Tim Hutchings, Associate Professor of Religious Ethics at the University of Nottingham, shared similar thoughts.

He said, “The best way to respect the Bible is to find new ways to tell its stories. Many stories in the Bible are entertaining, surprising, and shocking. Some of them are mind blowing.

“These videos capture that energy, and you can tell by the reactions to these videos that viewers are excited to hear them. The most disrespectful thing about Christianity would be to make the Bible sound boring.”

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