These four brainteasers can all be completed in less than a minute – but how fast can YOU beat them?

A puzzling series of autumn brainteasers can be completed by most Brits in less than a minute.

Created by Spider geniusthe most difficult puzzle asks you to spot seven hidden dogs in a park. Can you solve it?

It took 38 percent of people more than 30 seconds to spot all the hidden dogs and another 15 percent more than a minute.

Can you discover the seven dogs hidden in this autumnal brainteaser?

While some pets immediately stand out, a few are cleverly disguised against the brown background.

Are you still having a hard time? Try to focus on the tree line in the center of the photo.

Take one last look before the clue is revealed below.

Three of the puppies are right in front of the trees, two of which are a very similar color to their background, while three are walking through the park and the devilish seventh is painted right at the front of the image.

Three of the puppies are right in front of the trees, two of which are a very similar color to their background, while three are walking through the park, and the devilish seventh is painted right at the front of the image

If you did that within the time limit, you might still struggle with a slightly different brainteaser.

The next puzzle contains a whopping 400 autumn drinks, and your job is to pick just six that are different from the rest.

While the majority appear to be a typical coffee in a yellow mug, some appear to include a seasonal pumpkin spiced latte, or perhaps green tea.

Can you find the six strange drinks in this image of 400 drinks? Four-fifths of people managed to find the strange drinks in less than 10 seconds

This puzzle was actually the easiest according to those whose execution was timed.

FOur fifth (80 percent) of people managed to find the strange drinks within 10 seconds. Did you beat that time?

Please check again before the answer appears below.

Two of the fraudulent drinks come in different mugs – one blue and one pink – one contains a cinnamon stick, another an orange wedge and two contain a different color of liquid – red or green

A similar, but statistically more difficult brainteaser features a series of bronze-colored autumn leaves.

However, eight of them are different from the rest.

Nearly two-thirds (61 percent) of people were able to discover the unique leaves in just under 10 seconds, but how are you?

Can you discover the eight strange leaves? Nearly two-thirds (61 percent) of people were able to spot the unique leaves in just under 10 seconds

This puzzle may have been made more difficult than the previous one because there is already a difference between many of the identical leaves – half of which are upside down.

This makes spotting the real intruders a little more difficult to spot.

Are you still having a hard time? Six of the odd leaves are redder than the majority of the maple, one is faintly yellow, while the last is a peach color.

See the answer below.

Six of the odd leaves are redder than the majority of maple, one is faintly yellow, while the last is a peach color

The final puzzle asks you to find six hidden pumpkins in another park.

For this brainteaser, 85 percent of the people needed more than 10 seconds.

How long did it take you to select the seasonal vegetables?

Can you find the six hidden pumpkins in this park scene? Only 15 percent of people succeed within 10 seconds

Still looking? Three of the six pumpkins are hidden at the base of trees.

Another two are located under the benches.

Take one last look before you see the answers below.

Three of the six pumpkins are hidden at the base of trees and another two are under benches. The last one sits behind two children, right in the middle of the photo

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