FBI whistleblowers ‘faced devastating retaliation’ for speaking out about ‘politicized rot’

The House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government has released a new report, building on revelations by FBI whistleblowers, detailing the severe reprisals they suffered after speaking out about “politicized rot” in the agency.

“The FBI, led by Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, is broken,” write the Republicans, led by Jim Jordan of Ohio, the chairman of the select committee in the report released Thursday.

“FBI and Justice Department leaders have armed federal law enforcement against ordinary Americans in an effort to silence those who dare to dissent,” it continues.

The report, titled “FBI Whistleblower Testimony Highlights Government Abuse, Misallocation of Resources, and Retaliation,” says whistleblowers have had their security clearances revoked, suspended without pay, and some have been left “homeless” for speaking out about abuses they witnessed.

Despite the negative reprisals, Republicans also say whistleblowers who have spoken out are genuinely concerned about the state of the FBI, but remain optimistic that with “tough love,” the Bureau could improve.

That’s why lawmakers hope to consider possible legislative reforms to “help restore the agency to what it once was.”

The FBI was in the spotlight this week when a long-awaited report from Special Counsel John Durham was released, finding that the FBI did not have enough “factual evidence” to investigate Trump-Russia conspiracy allegations.

Steven Friend’s security clearance (right) was revoked last September after he raised concerns with his superiors

FBI Director Chris Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland accused by whistleblowers of politicized actions against conservatives

News of the new report comes just before a hearing at 9 a.m. ET by the House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

Three former FBI officials will testify about alleged “abuses of power” by FBI leaders — ranging from discrimination against conservatives to inflation of domestic terrorism statistics.

Rep. Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee and head of the select committee, has secured the personal testimony of suspended FBI Special Agents Garret O’Boyle and Steve Friend, as well as former FBI State Operations Specialist Marcus Allen. President of Empower Oversight Tristan Leavitt will also testify.

The O’Boyle and Friend participated in a closed-door transcribed interview conducted by the select committee in February.

According to notes from the interview, the former agents specifically expressed concern over instructions from FBI leadership that they focus on pursuing investigations into “domestic violent extremism” and ignore standard investigative procedures in Jan. 6 cases.

In addition, the former officials told the commission they had been ordered to continue investigations into child malpractice cases on Jan.

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6 because they “were no longer a priority.”

Specifically, the former agents accuse the FBI of inflating statistics on “domestic violent extremism” to fit the Biden administration’s political narrative that extremism is on the rise across the country.

“The manipulative record-keeping practice creates false and misleading crime statistics, which constitute false official federal statements,” Friend wrote in an affidavit.

“Instead of hundreds of investigations stemming from an isolated incident at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, FBI and DOJ officials are pointing to a significant increase in domestic violent extremism and terrorism in the United States.

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Friend’s security clearance was revoked last September after he raised concerns with his superiors, which he described in an affidavit as clear agency retaliation against him. O’Boyle’s clearance has also been taken.

Allen, who has not yet sat before the select committee, is expected to present new evidence to lawmakers on Thursday.

Rep. Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee and head of the select committee, has secured the personal testimony of former FBI special agents

The hearing comes after Republicans released a 1,000-page report on “FBI and DOJ Politicization” last November.

The report contained information about revelations from 14 whistleblowers who revealed that the FBI leadership displayed a “political bias” against conservatives, manipulated domestic violence statistics for extremism for “political ends” and downplayed the Hunter Biden investigation — among other things. alleged abuse of power.

One of the biggest allegations leveled at the FBI is that the agency has worked to coerce conservative employees.

At the first select committee hearing in February, lawmakers specifically addressed that issue.

Jordan said the hearing was held to shed light on revelations by “good, brave FBI agents who are willing to come forward and tell us the truth.”

GOP Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ron Johnson, R-Wis., testified as prominent select committee witnesses.

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FBI Director Wray said at a congressional hearing last month that the FBI has been “unjustly criticized.”

Jordan said the hearing was held to shed light on revelations by “good, brave FBI agents who are willing to come forward and tell us the truth.”

The senators — who both led the charge on exposing internal DOJ and FBI issues — detailed whistleblower complaints they felt were important enough to expose.

“It is clear to me that the Justice Department and the FBI are suffering from a political infection that, if left undefeated, will cause the American people to no longer trust these storied institutions,” Grassley said at the hearing.

Johnson and Grassley also wrote to the FBI last fall demanding that the agency reinstate Friend’s security clearance because he is protected by the Whistleblower Protection Act.

“Accordingly, the FBI must immediately cease the disciplinary action it is actively taking to punish Special Agent Friend for his protected whistleblowing activity,” they wrote.

The FBI has rejected allegations that the agency is “politicized.”

Wray said at a congressional hearing last month that the FBI has been “unfairly criticized” and that its agents work hard on behalf of the American people.

Democrats denounced the hearing, and more generally the select committee, as an attempt by Republicans to “showcase conspiracy theories.”

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