Experts reveal the best time of day to weigh yourself if you want to lose weight

  • The first thing you do in the morning before breakfast is the ideal time to step on the scale
  • Healthcare providers emphasize that consistency is key when it comes to weight tracking
  • READ MORE: Why science says you shouldn’t exercise with a partner

If you’re looking to shed pounds, chances are you’ve cut calories, ramped up your exercise routine and started tracking your weight.

But just as important is how you keep track of your weight when you take the measurement.

Weight loss experts have revealed that there is an ideal time of day to step on the scale – and staying consistent can help you with your fitness goal.

Dr. Mert Erogul, a bariatric doctor who specializes in obesity in New York City, and Dr. Neil Floch, a bariatric surgeon in Connecticut, both said it’s best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom and before going to the toilet. ate or drank something.

And because weight can change throughout the day, it’s important to step on the scale at the same time to accurately track progress.

Several studies have shown that consistently tracking your weight is associated with greater weight loss

Dr. Erogul said: ‘Weight can fluctuate throughout the day, so it’s good to choose the same time to weigh yourself every day.’

Dr. Floch said Yahoo life: ‘When you wake up in the morning, you’re dehydrated because you didn’t drink anything that night. Then you go to the bathroom and pee the liquid out. If you have a bowel movement, you can lose another quarter to a pound of it.

“So this is when you’re at your lowest weight. If you then get dressed, have breakfast and drink something, your weight will increase slightly.’

The doctors’ advice is backed by science.

Several studies have shown that weighing yourself regularly leads to greater weight loss.

A 2019 study found that people who measured their weight daily experienced greater weight loss compared to people who did not track the statistic regularly.

A special 2017 study which analyzed how self-control contributed to weight loss, found that there were more positive results when people followed a combination of consistent behaviors, such as weighing themselves regularly and recording their diets.

In addition to using a scale, using other tools like smartwatches, fitness apps and website trackers was also associated with greater weight loss compared to people who used written tracking methods, a 2021 study study found it.

The Cleveland Clinic added that it’s important to wear the same thing when you measure your weight to get the most accurate comparison — ideally weigh yourself naked.

You should also use the same scale every time, as there can be slight differences between machines.

If weighing yourself every day doesn’t work for you, the Cleveland Clinic said you can track your weight one day a week, but recommended sticking to a regular schedule.

Because people may be less consistent with a diet and exercise plan on the weekend, weighing yourself on Monday may not be the most accurate measurement — and there can be a big difference between your weight on Friday after four days of healthier habits.

The healthcare giant recommends choosing one day a week – Wednesday – to step on the scale.

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