Doing the hard work in your sixties | Letters

What about running, high-intensity interval training, swimming, yoga and now strength training – exactly how much time is left for work, relationships and household chores? Does Phil Daoust have servants (The muscle miracle: can I build up enough at 60 to reach 100 – even though I have never trained with weights?, April 7)? I’m also 60. I’ve done tough outdoor work all my life, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks Daoust is lucky not to have arthritic or otherwise damaged joints that require such a tough schedule in the could stand away. If he lives another forty years, I hope we lesser mortals don’t have to read every week how crazy strong his core is.
Kathleen Aske
Hayling Island, Hampshire

Phil Daoust is right that maintaining muscle mass is crucial. But people will be put off by the amount of time his advisers say they will spend on it. High-intensity resistance training with slow movements for just 15 minutes per week can yield results. For five years I have been following the approach of Dr. Doug McGuff and John Little in their book Body through scienceand I’m moving 50% more weight than when I started.
Johannes Wijs
Centreville, Ontario, Canada

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