Do you suffer from social jetlag? Sleep expert tells FEMAIL how to get back into the swing of things


December and January were jam-packed with events, family reunions and a tough return-to-work streak, and many will continue to feel the brunt of ‘social jet lag’.

Staying up and sleeping in can throw your entire schedule into orbit, and it can be hard to figure out how to get back on track.

However, Dr. Lindsay Browning, an expert in sleep problems and author of the self-help book on sleep, Navigating Insomnia, has said it’s possible, with just a little discipline.

She told FEMAIL the key is patience as you gradually use the watch as a tool to break away from the bad sleeping habits you’ve picked up and stay alert throughout the day.

Sleep expert Dr Lindsay Browning has revealed how to bounce back from social jet lag after a busy December and January (file image)

Being strict about when you get up, even on weekends, and exposing yourself to light in the morning can also help.

“Social jet lag is when our wake-up and bedtimes are not aligned with our wake-up and bedtimes for work,” said Dr. Browning.

“Often, social jet lag means we go to bed late and sleep in on the weekend (or during the holidays), but then we can have a hard time going to bed earlier and waking up early enough to go to work when it’s time to get back to work.” again.’

He explained that this is due to a “circadian rhythm that controls when we feel tired and awake each day.”

Dr. Browning said it can be “difficult” to get back into your old rhythm, but it’s definitely doable with a few ground rules.

1. Start with an hour a day

Dr. Browning said moving your circadian rhythm by an hour a day is easier than braving “a big jump of several hours in one go.”

“It’s a good idea to start gradually moving your bedtime and wake times toward your ideal times,” she explained.

He added that patience is key to getting the internal clock back on track.

“It may take a few days for the new times to feel natural.”

2. Open those curtains

Light exposure, Dr. Browning explained, can be a very powerful tool in the way your body understands time.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), humans see light as a sign to be awake and darkness as a sign that it’s time to rest.

3. Set the alarm EVERY morning

No sleeping in on weekends! Although it can be tempting to lie in bed and sleep in on Saturdays and Sundays, Dr. Browning says it’s important to be strict with yourself during the adjustment period.

“To get used to going to bed and getting up earlier, it’s imperative that you set a morning alarm and get up every morning at this new, earlier time,” he added.

‘If you allow yourself to sleep in late when the weekend rolls around, you won’t get used to going to bed and getting up earlier.’

This is also why staying away from screens is recommended as a way to wind down before bed.

“If you’ve been accustomed to going to bed too late and sleeping late, exposure to bright light in the morning can help you shift your natural circadian rhythm sooner,” said Dr. Browning.

“It will also help you feel more alert and refreshed throughout the day.”

4. Keep your caffeine intake small and shocking.

As tempting as it might be to drink a pot of coffee to help you stay awake, Dr. Browning advised focusing on smaller doses.

“If you have trouble staying alert in the morning, regular small amounts of caffeine may be more helpful than one or two large coffees in keeping you going throughout the day,” he said.

Most have their first cup of Joe within minutes of waking up or as soon as they get to their desk.

But the best time for coffee for most is between 9:30 and 11:00.

Studies show that levels of cortisol, the main stress hormone, are high when we wake up, and that having an early coffee increases them even more, leaving us at risk of unnecessary nervousness.

Former US President George W. Bush used to drink about 10 cups to get him through the day, while Virgin mogul Richard Branson once claimed he drank twenty cups.

Many people know that this is already too much, but according to recent research involving 500,000 people, three cups seems to be the sweet spot for the best benefits.

Another 2015 study showed that consuming five cups was optimal for living a long life, while one from March of last year suggested that two cups was best. Somewhere in the middle is likely better to reap the rewards.

5. Exercise in the morning

While it might be challenging to get out of bed early to exercise, this really can be a wonder in helping you wake up and go to bed earlier.

Dr. Browning said that the stimulation of a workout can increase alertness and make you feel more prepared for the day.

And what’s more, it could also be good for you.

According to research, women who exercise in the morning may have a lower risk of heart problems or stroke.

A study of more than 85,000 people in the UK looked at their physical activity levels while wearing a fitness tracker for one week.

The people were divided into four groups, including those who were most active in the early morning, around 8 a.m., and those who were most active in mid-morning around 10 a.m.

The other two groups contained people who were most active at noon and at night around 7 p.m.

People who exercised first thing in the morning or mid-morning were found to have a lower risk of developing heart problems, including heart attack, the most common form of angina, and coronary heart disease.

Those who exercised mid-morning were less likely to have a stroke.

Gali Albalak, who led the study from Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands, said: “It is well established that exercise is good for heart health, and our study now indicates that morning activity appears to be more beneficial. “.

“The findings were particularly pronounced in women and applied to both early risers and night owls.”

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