Do YOU know what the next number should be? Tricky maths sequence will put your IQ to the test

Do you have the math skills to solve this series that has people scratching their heads?

You may have done quite a few math puzzles at school, but this is not something we typically do in our daily routine.

This means that it becomes somewhat easy for us to lose the ability to point out number patterns.

Many are baffled by the next brainteaser and wonder which song correctly follows the third series.

Take a look at the following puzzle and see if you can solve it yourself?

Bright Side’s brainteaser has people baffled as to what the answer under the yellow question mark could be

It is important to exercise the mind with a daily puzzle to keep our cognitive functions and skills high, so this brain teaser may be more useful than you think.

The first line in the figure writes 7 = 42, while the next two lines read 6 = 30 and 5 = 20 respectively.

But the last addition of the sequence is undone, with a ‘3 =’ followed by a yellow question mark.

Although the puzzle may seem quite tricky at first, once you establish a correlation between the numbers on the page, you will quickly find the solution of the fourth line.

At first glance, you might assume that the numbers on the right simply increase by ten each time.

However, this cannot be true, because although there is only a ten point difference between 30 and 20, 42 does not fit the pattern.

Also the number four, which is not included in the brainteaser, would then have to equal ten, which is not possible if it is multiplied by a whole number.

Have you managed to crack the code yet? High IQ holders solve the number sequence in just 11 seconds The mirror.

If you found the answer within that time frame, you may be intellectually gifted.

But if you haven’t, don’t worry: we can help you solve this mind-boggling brainteaser.

It all comes down to knowing your times tables as you try to connect the dots of this puzzling puzzle.

Please take a moment to try again before scrolling further as the answer will appear shortly.

A true genius can solve the tricky puzzle in 11 seconds, but don’t worry if you don’t get it on the first try

Finally, the long-awaited conclusion: what is under that question mark? The answer – the number six.

If you know your times tables well, this one might have been very easy to spot.

Each number is multiplied by the number before it, meaning if 7 = 42, then 7 is multiplied by 6 to get 42.

In a similar way, the next number 6 = 30 is also multiplied by the previous number, 5, giving a sum of 30, and 5 = 20 is the result of a 5 x 4 multiplication.

So if 4 were included in the series, it would take times 3 to create 12, which gives us the answer to the brainteaser: 3 x 2 = 6.

Have you solved the difficult math series? Let us know in the comments below.

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