DNC chair calls Senator Cotton ‘little maggot-infested man’ for claiming Jackson would defend Nazis


Democrats lashed out at Senator Tom Cotton after the Arkansas Republican said Tuesday that Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson might have defended Nazis in the Nuremberg trials was she given the chance.

‘The last Judge Jackson left the Supreme Court to go to Nuremberg and prosecute the case against the Nazis. This Judge Jackson might have gone there to defend them,’ Cotton said in a Senate floor speech during debate on whether Jackson should become the next associate justice of the Supreme Court.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison hit back at Cotton for the comment, writing on Twitter: ‘Bless the tiny, mold and maggot infested space where @TomCottonAR heart is supposed to be.’ 

Harrison used Cotton’s remarks Tuesday against Jackson to claim that Republicans don’t deserve to have power in the U.S. – a message likely to be repeated throughout the year as Democrats try to defend their razor-thin congressional majorities going into the 2022 midterms. 

So far, predictions suggest that a Republican bloodbath is coming this year as President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris continue to face dismal approval polling and a slew of Democrats already announced retirement.

The DNC chair went on MSNBC’s morning program on Wednesday to further lambast the Arkansas senator.

‘In a Senate where there’s Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton is the lowest of the low,’ the DNC chair said to the Morning Joe panel.

‘He does not deserve to have that pin,’ he continued. ‘He doesn’t deserve to be in the United States senate, representing the good people of Arkansas… He put his hand on the bible, took an oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and he uses it as a play toy.’ 

Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison said on Wednesday,’In a Senate where there’s Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton is the lowest of the low’ after the Arkansas Republican claimed Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson might have defended Nazis 

Cotton said Tuesday that Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson would likely defend Nazis in Nuremberg if she was given the chance as he voiced opposition for President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee

Cotton is one of the 11 Republicans on the Judiciary Committee who last month grilled President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee – specifically on her judicial philosophy and her sentencing record in child pornography cases. 

On Monday the Senate Judiciary Committee deadlocked on Jackson’s nomination in an 11-11 party-line vote, forcing Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to initiate a discharge petition, which passed in a 53-47 votes as moderate Republicans Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska all opted to allow Jackson’s nomination to come before the Senate for a full floor vote.

After the Senate voted to formally begin debate on Jackson’s nomination, Cotton made his floor remarks where he, not surprisingly, opposed her confirmation.

His comparison to the last Judge Jackson was in regards to Robert Jackson, who was nominated by President at the time Franklin Roosevelt. The justice service from July 1941 through October 1954.

Justice Jackson took a leave of absence from the high court to prosecutor Nazis in the Nuremberg trials. Cotton feels that this Judge Jackson would have been on the other side of the court, defending them.

The DNC chair said the place where Cotton’s heart should be is instead filled with a ‘tiny, mold and maggot infected space’

The Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish non-governmental organization based in the U.S. and specializing in civil rights law, also lashed out at Cotton’s comments

Ketanji Brown Jackson, when confirmed, will become the first ever black woman to sit on the bench of the Supreme Court of the United States. 

‘That is the Republican party we see today,’ Harrison said in claiming Cotton’s remarks are part of a larger trend within the GOP.

‘It is a party built on fraud, fear, and fascism – and they don’t deserve to be in power. Not because Democrats should, but because they don’t deserve to be in power of this great nation.’

The Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish non-governmental organization based in the U.S. and specializing in civil rights law, also lashed out at Cotton’s comments.

‘Absolutely shameful conduct from @SenTomCotton,’ the group wrote on their Twitter.

‘To use a Nazi analogy as some sort of twisted way to attack Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is reprehensible,’ they added. ‘We’ve said it a thousand times and we’ll say it again: stop trivializing the Holocaust for political gain.’

Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell said that Cotton was proposing that ‘criminal defendants should not have legal representation.’

‘The government would prosecute without an adversarial system testing its burden of proof,’ he added in a tweet. ‘Cotton’s preferred system of justice is exactly the type of justice meted out by dictators.’

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