Disgruntled passenger is removed for FARTING excessively on American Airlines flight from Phoenix to Austin

A disgruntled passenger was removed last week for farting excessively on an American Airlines flight from Phoenix to Austin.

The early evening flight from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport in Arizona to Austin-Bergstrom International Airport in Texas had to return to the gate and was delayed by 15 to 30 minutes, according to a passenger on the flight.

The Texas traveler wrote on Reddit: “I was on a direct US flight from Phoenix to Austin and was sitting near the row where this situation occurred.”

The Reddit poster described the January 14 incident as “kinda funny” and “somewhat entertaining,” but said they didn’t film it.

The author recalled that the passenger was “audibly dissatisfied about something, perhaps a hangover,” after they boarded the flight.

A disgruntled passenger was removed last week for farting excessively on an American Airlines flight from Phoenix to Austin (pictured)

“As soon as he sat down he grumbled under his breath about something, like ‘f****** hell’ or something,” the Reddit poster wrote.

After a majority of the people were seated, the man said, “Do you think that’s rude?” Well, what about this smell” and farted, according to the author.

They didn’t know what prompted that statement, but said, “While it was quite funny to hear, it wasn’t supposed to come from a grown man on an airplane.”

There were female passengers sitting next to the disgruntled passenger, who were “apparently minding their own business,” the author recalled.

They wrote: ‘I didn’t hear anyone’s reaction except the man sitting next to me. I exchanged a smile and shook our heads.”

The passenger who allegedly farted said, “Yes, let’s all eat the smelliest food at the same time.”

A few passengers were eating or eating snacks when the passenger made these shocking comments.

The social media user also recalled being “loud and condescending” when he made the statement.

A male passenger sitting nearby said, “If you don’t like it, you can fly private,” the author reported. Another passenger intervened and said, “I think we can all agree you’re the rude one here,” the author recalled.

“Fartman replies something like ‘that’s just so low-grade’ and the other guy counters with ‘well, you’re back here in economics just like the rest of us,'” the author wrote.

According to the author of the message, the disgruntled passenger said loudly: ‘Do you think that’s rude? Well, how about this smell,” and farted

Flight attendants intervened by saying, “that’s enough,” according to the author, and the plane taxied toward the runway.

Moments later, the plane came to a stop when the flight crew announced, “Apologies for the interruption, but we’re returning to the gate.” We will provide more information as we have it.”

When the flight returned to the gate, a flight attendant returned and told the farting passenger that he could not stay on the flight.

“He simply replies, ‘I don’t understand,’ and she tells him they’ll talk about it from the plane,” the author wrote.

“He gets up, grabs his bag and quietly leaves the plane,” the social media poster added, revealing the outcome of the incident.

“We all breathed a sigh of relief when it was removed. I think most people were tense about what he would say or do next,” they wrote.

“The trip was only delayed 15 to 30 minutes, so all in all I think American handled it quickly.”

A second person claiming to be on the same flight wrote: ‘I… can confirm it was a smelly flight! I didn’t know what started the ordeal, but there were many scents competing with each other,” they wrote.

‘It was surprising that he left peacefully, but it was quite a shame. I could hear him mumbling, ‘I just don’t understand.’

DailyMail.com reached out to American Airlines for comment but did not hear back by time of publication.

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