Die skurrilsten Glitches in Pokémon Karmesin und Purpur: Von unsichtbaren Bikes bis zu Propellerarmen


Die kürzliche Veröffentlichung von Pokémon Karmesin and Purpur hat die Fans der Serie zum Reason released – aber nicht unbedingt aus denrichtigen Gründen. If the Twitter feeds of technically managed Pokémon trainers are hardstöberst, this journey that started in Paldea started with a missed Bild vorfinden. Perhaps there are no Pokémon Clips and you think Meinungen are possible for a large number of falling glitches die in the new Ablegern of the series they could see – a good part of the chance was.

From the Japanese Entwickler Game Freak hat jedoch das Glück, many Pokémon fans who see lustful Seite dieser Bugs and Glitches – one of many gaps. From nützlichen Hacks to the cleaner Albernheit with the hidden bugs in Pokémon Karmesin and Purpur, which have become established online, here for this merge.

Under the road of Crazy Frog