Devon Archer tells Tucker Carlson that Hunter’s laptop turned his life into a ‘nightmare’ – and how his crack addiction and ‘downward spiral’ damaged their friendship and led to volatile business decisions

Hunter’s ex-best friend Archer revealed new details about his personal and business relationship with the president’s son during the second part of Tucker Carlson’s interview released Friday.

Archer addressed the toll Hunter’s struggles with his crack cocaine and alcohol addiction took on their 10-year partnership.

During the early part of their business partnership, Hunter was “down to earth,” he said. So his addiction struggle “was not separate from our relationship.”

But things got tough for Hunter “mentally” after the death of his brother Beau in May 2015, creating “chaos” that led to “less effective business decisions,” Archer said.

Then Hunter went into a “downward spiral,” his ex-business partner continued, though he said he “made many attempts to fix.”

Archer also said the release of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop was “not great” and added to the “nightmare” he’s been living for years since its publication.

Right-wing nonprofit organization Marco Polo posted 8,864 photos to with hundreds of images of Hunter Biden taking drugs and having sex with prostitutes. Hunter is depicted holding up what appears to be a smoking pen with marijuana oil in it

“That was a real shame, I think… It was an absolute shock that perpetuated this kind of nightmare I’ve been living in.”

He said Hunter had not called him after emails were published on the laptop, even though Archer was “extensively” included in the content.

“It has led to incessant and never-ending media fodder,” he continued.

Archer also said he was “surprised” that Hunter took up painting after his years of business ventures.

Carlson asked Archer if Hunter had ever shown any interest in painting during their 10 years in business together.

“No, not particularly,” replied Archer, saying that Hunter was a “well-read student of history,” so he may have been interested in art, but not painting.

He called Hunter’s new hobby a “reset,” which was needed after a “long journey filled with tragedy and addiction.”

“Going through that, I think you need a reset,” he continued.

He joked that he might also take up painting after the ups and downs he and Hunter had gone through while doing business together.

Now the president’s son earns hundreds of thousands of dollars for his amateur pieces.

In 2021, Hunter made his debut at an upscale New York art gallery, where the sticker price for some of his amateur pieces reached $500,000.

A single buyer spent $875,000 on 11 of Hunter’s paintings — though that person’s identity is unclear.

It was recently revealed that Los Angeles-based real estate investor and Democratic donor Elizabeth Hirsch Naftali and Hollywood attorney Kevin Morris are two of the biggest buyers of Hunter’s work.

Archer also stressed to Carlson that it is “categorically false” to say that then-Vice President Joe Biden knew nothing about his son’s business dealings.

“They have a great bond, father and son. They talk every day, and I witnessed that for a decade,” Archer said.

Joe Biden “was aware of Hunter’s business, he met with Hunter’s business partners,” Archer told Carlson.

The vice president wrote a letter that “illustrated that he knew me,” he continued. So it’s not “factually correct” to say that Joe didn’t know.

He added that Joe may not have looked directly at the financial statements, but he was aware of his son’s transactions.

Archer shared a letter with Carlson that then-Vice President Joe Biden had written to him in 2011.

“I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to talk to you at lunch yesterday. I struggled to get away from hosting President Hu,” Biden wrote, referring to China’s then-president.

“I hope to see you again soon with Hunter. I hope you enjoyed lunch. Thank you for coming,” it read, followed by a handwritten addition: “Happy you are together.”

In the first part of the interview released Wednesday, a day after Archer testified behind closed doors before the House Oversight Committee, he told Tucker Carlson that the “Biden brand” was “definitely” an important part of Hunter’s work in the management of Burisma.

The photos include 7,032 mostly from Hunter’s MacBook Pro iPhoto app, 1,832 from a backup of his iPhone XS, 428 “live photos” (short videos taken on an iPhone), 674 images sent in text messages, 579 screenshots, 40 sent via WhatsApp, and 111 others

Hunter’s ex-best friend Archer revealed new details about his personal and business relationship with the president’s son during the second part of Tucker Carlson’s interview released Friday.

Archer testified behind closed doors Monday before the House Oversight Committee

Archer also shared a letter with Carlson that then-Vice President Joe Biden had written to him in 2011

Archer confirmed that he had met the now president “probably 20 times” and reaffirmed that Joe Biden had interacted with Hunter’s business associates about 20 times in the 10 years he had been close to the family.

“I can say with certainty that at certain dinners or meetings he knew there were business relationships,” said Archer, who did not claim that Joe Biden ever discussed the business dealings.

“I don’t know if it was an organized call or not. But it was certainly powerful because, you know, when you’re sitting with a foreign businessman and you hear the vice president’s voice, that’s price enough,” Archer continued.

“Sometimes the call came in and the speaker went through,” said Archer, describing the conversations in detail. “You understand DC, don’t you? So the ability to have that access in that conversation — it’s not in a scheduled conference call and that’s part of your family. That’s like the pinnacle of power in DC’

Rep. Dan Goldman, NY, the only Democrat in the room for Archer’s testimony, did not deny that Biden had business conversations with his son, but said it was more to exchange “niceties” such as talking about “the weather,” which is going on. ?”‘

“Remember that’s when Beau got sick,” Goldman said, noting that Hunter and Joe often talked on the phone before Beau — Joe Biden’s eldest son — died in 2015.

Through the investment and policy consulting firm that Archer and Hunter Biden jointly ran — Rosemont Seneca — Hunter led on “government regulatory issues,” Archer said.

“Did Hunter have regulatory expertise?” Carlson asked.

“I think he led a team that did,” Archer said, pointing out that most of the work Hunter did was knowing who to call.

Both Archer and Carlson acknowledged that it was not new for the relatives of famous government officials to use their connections in business.

“What we encountered was almost an Icarus issue,” Archer said. ‘It was too close to the sun, it was too good to be true. The connections were too tight, the control too much.’

Archer and Hunter Biden were close friends during their time in business together.

Last week, Hunter Biden’s plea deal for tax and gun crimes imploded when a judge informed him that he could be charged with further crimes in the future — most notably failure to register as a foreign agent (a FARA violation).

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