Constantly find yourself needing to wee? Urologist shares five common reasons why you might always have the urge to go (as well as WHAT you should do)

Do you ever find yourself calculating the next time you're near a toilet? And do you often sit with your legs crossed and hope you don't have an 'accident'?

If so, you're far from alone: ​​an estimated three to six million people in the UK have urinary incontinence.

Half of women in Britain will have one urinary tract infection at least once and annually, one in 2,000 men will develop a urinary tract infection.

'There are many conditions that can affect bladder function and cause someone to have to go to the toilet more often, such as getting older, diabetesinfection and inflammation (cystitis), changes after menopause and an enlarged prostate,” says Mr Christian Brown, consultant urological surgeon at Princess Grace Hospital, which is part of HCA Healthcare UK.

Half of women in Britain will get a urinary tract infection at least once and one in 2,000 men will get a urinary tract infection every year

'Some people can develop an overactive bladder at any time, with symptoms such as having to go to the toilet more often and often with an urgent desire. In many cases the cause is unknown.'

He explains that a normal bladder can hold between 300 ml and 700 ml of urine and that most people go to the toilet every two to four hours, depending on the amount of fluid they consume.

All too often, urinary problems arise.

Here, Mr Brown explains the five most common reasons for bladder problems – and what you can do to tackle them.


If you are a fan of hot drinks and sweet treats, you may be irritating your bladder without even realizing it.

'Caffeine can affect bladder function and make someone go to the toilet more often,' says Mr Brown.

'It is found in some form in tea, coffee, cola and chocolate and is both a diuretic, meaning the body produces more urine, and an irritant to the bladder.'

But caffeine isn't the only food you should watch out for. 'Alcohol makes the bladder more active and is often found in large quantities, such as pints.

'Spicy food can also irritate the bladder, especially if you have an overactive bladder.'

What you can do: Avoid irritating foods where possible and opt for caffeine-free tea and coffee or herbal options.


What's wrong with YOUR bladder?

Those embarrassing complaints explained…


Cystitis is a urinary tract infection (UTI) caused by bacteria entering the bladder through the urethra.

Women are more susceptible than men because they have a shorter urethra, which makes it easier for bacteria to cause an infection.

'For example, if you are sexually active, use tampons or experience the hormonal changes that occur due to menopause (when the lining of the urethra becomes more sensitive)' says London gynecologist Tania Adib.

Symptoms include pain or burning during urination, increased frequency of urination and an urgent need to urinate, plus darker urine. It can also cause pain in the abdomen and lower back, as well as fever.


Incontinence is defined as the 'involuntary loss of urine' and is divided into two types: stress incontinence and urge incontinence.

'Stress incontinence occurs when the sphincter and pelvic floor muscles cannot hold urine in the bladder and leakage usually occurs with coughing, laughing and exercise,' says Mr Brown.

'While urge incontinence occurs when the bladder often contracts prematurely while a person is walking to the toilet, and is often accompanied by an overactive bladder.'


This is where you feel an urgent need to urinate more than eight times a day.

'It's often to do with fear of an accident, which makes you go to the toilet more often,' says pelvic physiotherapist Elaine Miller (

'But after a while your bladder capacity starts to decrease. Normally we get the urge to go when the bladder is half full, but with OAB the bladder muscle becomes overactive and contracts when you don't want it to.'

Many women in perimenopause – the transition period leading up to menopause – notice that the need to urinate becomes more frequent, especially before their period.

According to the charity Bladder & Bowel, bladder weakness usually begins during the perimenopause stage, when estrogen levels begin to fall, causing the urethral and vaginal tissue to thin.

'And as women get older, the pelvic floor muscles can relax. Both factors can lead to urinary incontinence.'

Mr Brown adds: 'Both men and women can develop an overactive bladder at any age, but the bladder usually gets worse with age and, for women, after menopause and having children.'

What you can do: 'Kegel or pelvic floor exercises can improve many urinary tract symptoms,' says Mr Brown.

'The bladder is supported by the pelvic floor muscles. If these muscles become weaker, for example after pregnancy, natural childbirth or as we get older, the bladder can sink into the pelvis.

'This can cause overactivity and incontinence, which can be significantly reduced by increasing the strength and tone of the pelvic floor muscles.'


'As men age, the prostate enlarges and can cause obstruction of the urine as it leaves the bladder and passes through the prostate,' says Mr Brown.

'This can lead to slow flow, difficulty starting and stopping, getting up to urinate at night and going more often during the day.'

Frequent urination during the night (waking up twice or more) is called nocturia and is one of the most common urinary tract complaints in men. It affects 20 to 44 percent of 20 to 40 year olds and 93 percent of those over 70.

The NHS explains that as we get older we produce less antidiuretic hormone (ADH) which helps us retain fluid at night. As a result, more urine is produced when we sleep, causing us to have to go to the toilet at night.

What you can do: “If you drink enough fluids every day (between 1.5 and 2.5 liters depending on climate and activity), it is safe to reduce fluid intake in the evening about two hours before bedtime,” says Mr. Brown.

If the problem is caused by an enlarged prostate, there are medications to relax and shrink the prostate gland.

Cognitive behavioral therapy can help people develop mechanisms to cope with the symptoms of nocturia, such as anxiety and low mood.

A supplement such as Healthspan's Bladder Support with Go-Less (£19.95 for 60 capsules) can help.


In some situations, constantly needing the toilet can be a sign of a serious illness, such as diabetes.

'As blood sugar levels rise, the kidneys cause more urine to be produced, called a diuresis,' says Mr Brown.

'They often make people thirsty because they dehydrate easily.

'During a diuresis, a person will produce more urine and therefore go to the toilet more often.'

What you can do: Consult your doctor for blood tests to measure your blood glucose levels. If these are 11.1 mmol/l or more, diabetes is diagnosed.


Often the solution to one health problem can cause a problem elsewhere.

This is the case with some antihypertensive medications that are designed to reduce the amount of water the body retains.

'Diuretic medications used to treat high blood pressure, swollen ankles and heart failure cause a person to urinate more frequently and in larger volumes for two to three hours after taking them,' says Mr Brown.

But that's not the only drug that can affect the bladder.

'Some medications used to treat depression, mania and psychosis can slow bladder function and sometimes cause a condition called urinary retention, where a person has difficulty emptying their bladder.'

What you can do: Consult your GP to discuss alternative treatments.

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