Congress ENDS ethics investigation into Eric Swalwell’s alleged affair with Chinese ‘spy’ Fang Fang

Congress ends ethics investigation into Eric Swalwell’s alleged affair with Chinese ‘spy’ Fang Fang – and takes NO further action

  • The House Ethics Committee said Monday it had ended its two-year investigation. Republicans alleged that Swalwell was having an affair with a Chinese intelligence agent
  • But he was cleared by the probe, which said it took no further action

The House Ethics Committee has ended its two-year investigation into Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell and will take no further action over claims he had ties to a suspected Chinese spy, it emerged Wednesday.

Republicans used the allegations to repeatedly attack the congressman and removed him from the House Intelligence Committee earlier this year.

Chinese national Christine Fang, also known as Fang Fang, reportedly took part in fundraising for Swalwell’s 2014 reelection campaign.

In a letter to Swalwell on Monday, the commission said it was taking no further action on “allegations in the complaint that you may have violated house rules, laws or other standards of conduct in connection with your interactions with Ms. Christine Fang.” ‘

Swalwell’s political opponents even claimed he had a romantic affair with the woman.

Chinese citizen Fang Fang or Christine Fang volunteered as a fundraiser for Rep.’s campaign. Eric Swalwell in 2014. Reportedly targeting emerging local politicians in the Bay Area and across the country who had the potential to make it big on the national scene

On Monday, the House Ethics Committee said it is ending its two-year investigation into allegations of wrongdoing and will “take no further action on this matter.”

In a statement, he said he had assisted the FBI in its counterintelligence investigation of a campaign volunteer.

“Almost 10 years ago, I assisted the FBI in their counterintelligence investigation of a campaign volunteer,” he said.

“The case and my assistance were brought to the attention of Republican House Speaker John Boehner, and two years later Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan reappointed me to the House Intelligence Committee.

“No speaker has questioned my actions or politicized my collaboration. Despite the FBI repeatedly saying I was only helpful and never charged with wrongdoing, this complaint was filed by a House Republican.

“It’s time to move on.”

The Republican’s mad edge continues to make allegations that Swalwell slept with a Chinese spy.

Last month, QAnon booster Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene embarrassed colleagues from her own party when she used a committee hearing to repeat the claims.

It came during a House Homeland Security Committee hearing after Swalwell accused her of “anti-police rhetoric” when he showed a printout of a tweet she wrote promoting “Defund the FBI” merchandise.

Swalwell said he cooperated with an FBI investigation and agents never accused him of wrongdoing. “It’s time to move on,” he said after the commission concluded its investigation

“That was pretty entertaining coming from someone who had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy — and everyone knows that,” Greene countered.

Democrats unsuccessfully tried to have her comments removed from the record.

Greene later doubled down on her claims.

That’s why Congressman Swalwell was removed from the Intel committee. Because he is known to have had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy,” she said.

“And if that’s offensive to Republicans or Democrats, then I think they should reconsider what’s more offensive — that I’m speaking out in front of a committee or Congressman Eric Swalwell having a sexual relationship with a known Chinese spy?”

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