Children’s VERY creative incorrect answers deserve top marks

One for effort! VERY creative wrong answers from kids deserve top marks

These mischievous kids clearly had a lot of fun arousing their teachers by answering questions for their homework and exams.

Instead of making the correct comment, they instead gave creative, witty and sometimes very brutally incorrect answers.

While their answers were never correct, children from all over the world certainly get high marks for their creativity – and let their parents down.

Sarcasm, youthful innocence and brutal honesty were all reflected in the stack of papers – with some answers so ridiculous that even the teachers probably struggled to suppress a smile.

Here, FEMAIL has collected some of the funniest examples, collected in a gallery by Herald Weekly.

He just wants to help Bob! Some might call it rude, but this student is clearly quite intelligent judging by this answer

An example was asking why someone wouldn’t be able to see anything under their microscope. The younger replied bluntly, “She’s blind.”

Another student seemed unenthusiastic about revealing how they arrived at a previous answer to a quiz by simply writing, “Math.”

Meanwhile, a youth answered, “Because ghosts aren’t real,” when asked “how many ghosts are left” in a math equation.

Nice try! We think that this student’s teacher was looking for a more scientific answer to the exam question

There you have us! Instead of using a mathematical approach, this prankster answered the equation by saying “ghosts aren’t real”

This student’s teacher seems fed up with the jokes — the student even added a third option to the exam, calling the boy in the image “ugly”

The school of life! This prankster is all about learning some life lessons

“Heartless Creatures!” This youngster seems completely uninterested in the exam and prefers to tell his teacher how he feels about the giraffes on display

Awww! This little one used exam time to think about life…

It’s math plain and simple! This student wasted no time getting straight to the point

Genius! We can’t fault this creative, but of course, largely inaccurate exam answer

So cheeky! This youngster has chosen to give his opinion on ‘Tony’s’ hard work and dedication

X marks the spot! Or right? This cheeky boy can’t seem to be bothered to solve the equation, preferring to point to the actual letter X

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