Cher recalls her final visit with Tina Turner

Cher remembers her last visit to Tina Turner at her home in Switzerland and the gift she gave her before they said goodbye

Cher and the late Tina Turner were among the two powerful female stars of their time over the past seven decades, dating back to the 1960s.

And along the way, the multi-talented singers and actresses developed a lasting friendship that began when Turner was in the middle of her abusive marriage to ex-husband Ike Turner (1962-1978).

After learning of her ongoing illnesses over the years, many of which were very serious, Cher made it a point to visit her in her adopted hometown of Küsnacht, Switzerland, near Zurich.

“I started visiting her because I thought, ‘I have to put this time into our friendship so she knows we haven’t forgotten her,'” she said, as reported by Page six.

While she and other friends did their best to be consistent with their visits to the Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll, it was during their last time together that the “Simply The Best” star sent Cher home with a memorable gift.

Opening: Cher, 77, revealed the last gift Tina Turner gave her on her last visit to her home in Switzerland before her death on May 24 at age 83

Being the fashionistas they were during the heights of their careers, it makes perfect sense why she gave this particular gift she did during their waning final moments together.

“She gave me a pair of shoes the last time I saw her,” Cher, 77, revealed during her interview on MSNBC’s The Beat with Ari Melber, shortly after her death on May 24, at the age of 83.

“What kind of shoes?” she was asked, promoting a quick response. “Tina Turner shoes!” Cher said laughing. “The big high heels she just got [walked] around like they were nothing.’

The If I Could Turn Back Time star would go on to reveal that she and other friends took turns spending time with Turner, revealing how she thinks those visits “made her happy.”

Overall, she described the visits as happy visits filled with conversation and laughter.

In a true show of strength, Turner was able to enjoy herself with her friends despite being very ill.

But eventually, near the end, she would confess to Cher, “I’m really ready,” in a reference to making peace with her impending death. “I just don’t want to put up with this anymore.”

At first, the What’s Love Got To DovWith It star didn’t seem too open to visitors as her health seemingly kept getting worse.

“She gave me a pair of shoes the last time I saw her,” Cher revealed during her interview on MSNBC’s The Beat With Ari Melber shortly after her passing; the star is seen in April 2023

Last Gift: “What kind of shoes?” Cher was asked, which facilitated a quick response. “Tina Turner shoes!” Cher said laughing. “The big high heels she just got [walked] around as if they were nothing’; they are pictured together in 1990

Gal palsr: Cher says she and Turner had a lot of laughs during the last visits she had with her longtime boyfriend after her string of serious health issues; they are on display in April 1999

“She was having a good time despite being very sick and not wanting people to know,” Cher explained.

In her last days, Turner had a dialysis machine at her side, which is used to cleanse the blood due to the poor health of her kidneys.

The iconic singer suffered from kidney failure due to long-term untreated high blood pressure, dating back to the late 1970s.

She would eventually undergo a kidney transplant, suffer a stroke in 2013 that forced her to relearn how to walk, and develop colon cancer in 2016, among other serious health issues.

At the time of her death, Turner had been married to husband Erwin Bach for nearly 10 years.

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