Charlamagne tha God urges President Joe Biden to ‘give America the ultimate Christmas gift’ by withdrawing from the presidential race and warns him not to make the same mistake as Ruth Bader Ginsburg

While a guest on the Daily Show, Charlamagne Tha God said the “ultimate Christmas gift” would be for President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 race and begged him not to make the same mistake as Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

The Breakfast Club host called out Biden for his age on Wednesday, saying the best gift the president can give the country this holiday season is to let someone younger run for the White House.

“Biden is not getting any younger. He won't become more popular and he won't get a new running mate. Please, Mr. President, give America the ultimate Christmas gift and step aside,” Charlamagne said.

During his monologue, a clip was played in which the president said he thinks 50 other Democrats can beat Trump, but he will be the one to do it.

“This is Biden's ego speaking. If you think there are other people who can beat him, then step aside, okay,” Charlamagne said.

While guesting on the Daily Show, Charlamagne Tha God said the 'ultimate Christmas gift' would be for President Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race

While guesting on the Daily Show, Charlamagne Tha God said the 'ultimate Christmas gift' would be for President Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race

President Joe Biden was seen stumbling up the stairs in October.  Charlamagne Tha God criticized the president's age as one of the reasons why he had to drop out

President Joe Biden was seen stumbling up the stairs in October. Charlamagne Tha God criticized the president's age as one of the reasons why he had to drop out

On Tuesday, the president told supporters at a fundraising event outside Boston that Trump posed a serious threat to democracy.

“If Trump wasn't running, I'm not sure I would be,” Biden said. “But we can't let him win for the sake of our country.”

Charlamagne said: “I know he thinks he has this in his pocket, but the polls say otherwise. I want Biden to step in to beat Trump like I want him to step in to defend me in a bar fight. I appreciate you caring, but I'm not happy with our chances.”

A survey of three key battlegrounds for published on Monday found Trump on track to win back Arizona and Georgia, while Biden is ahead in Wisconsin.

The results show how Biden's coalition of liberal white voters and minorities may not hold together.

The 81-year-old president has faced questions about his age in connection with frequent blunders and blunders.

Biden appeared confused during the national ceremony in Arlington to mark Veterans Day and appeared to need stage directions after laying a ceremonial wreath.

President Joe Biden is helped to his feet after a fall during the graduation ceremony at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado in June

President Joe Biden is helped to his feet after a fall during the graduation ceremony at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado in June

Joe Biden bumped into Brazil's flag, marking his first blunder seconds after appearing on stage at the UN General Assembly in September

Joe Biden bumped into Brazil's flag, marking his first blunder seconds after appearing on stage at the UN General Assembly in September

In October, Biden tripped while climbing a short flight of stairs at a “Bidenomics” event in Philadelphia.

At the United Nations General Assembly, Biden shuffled into a six-foot Brazilian flag, causing it to wobble as he approached the podium.

Biden stumbled across the stage at the Air Force Academy opening ceremony and joked, “I got sandbagged!”

The radio host likened Biden's decision to run for office at his age to calls that forced Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to retire during Barack Obama's presidency.

Charlamagne said, “We don't need Biden to beat Donald Trump, just like we didn't need RBG to stay on the field, okay? If RBG had retired during the Obama years, we might still have Roe v. Wade.”

'Maybe. But people said, 'No, she needs to be there to protect Roe v. Wade,' and now look, they're both gone.”

The Breakfast Club host has been critical of the president in the past, calling him “inauthentic” for messing up LL Cool J's name and calling him “boy” at an event honoring the artist.

“If someone uses the word boy to refer to an adult black man and the speaker is white, it takes on a whole different point in context,” Charlamagne said.

In 2020, Charlamagne the God slammed Biden's record with African Americans and his 1994 crime bill after a controversial interview with the then-candidate.

The radio show host warned the president not to make the same mistake as Ruth Bader Ginsburg and wait too long to retire

The radio show host warned the president not to make the same mistake as Ruth Bader Ginsburg and wait too long to retire

In a 2020 interview on The Breakfast Club, then-candidate Joe Biden told Charlamagne that God

In a 2020 interview on The Breakfast Club, then-candidate Joe Biden told Charlamagne that God “you ain't black” if you can't choose Biden over Trump

“I'll tell you what: If you're having trouble figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, you're not black,” Biden said on The Breakfast Club.

On CNN, Charlamagne said: “He was really one of the people on the front lines when it came to the war on drugs and mass incarceration. If he wants to become president, he has to solve that.'

Biden apologized to black business leaders for telling the popular radio show host that he “ain't black” if he can't identify the better presidential candidate.

'I shouldn't have been so arrogant. I have never, ever taken the African-American community for granted,” Biden said, according to the Associated Press. “I shouldn't have been so wise.”