Canine behaviourist: Dog breeds to never own – West Highland Terrier, Pug and Husky


A canine behaviorist has caused a stir online after revealing which breeds of dogs he would never own.

Will Atherton, from the UK, said he would never own a West Highland Terrier because of its relentless ‘bark’, a Pug because of its genetic breathing problems or a Siberian Husky.

The dog trainer listed all three breeds in a viral video she posted to her popular TikTok page and left some pet owners up in arms with her choices.

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Dog behaviorist Will Atherton (pictured) named the three dog breeds he himself would never own

Number one on the dog trainer’s list is the West Highland Terrier (pictured) who Will said barked and barked too much

The number one dog that Will said he could never live with was the West Highland Terrier.

“Frankly, the barking and barking is something that would drive me crazy,” he said.

“Yes, there are things you can do to minimize it, but I’ve found that you can never really eliminate it.”

Will said that while pugs have adorable personalities, he could never own one because their short-nosed or brachycephalic facial structure often causes breathing difficulties.

“Everyone I’ve worked with breaks my heart to see how hard it is for them to breathe and just live, and that’s not something I want to live with day to day,” he said.

Will said that while Pugs have adorable personalities, he could never have one because their short-nosed or brachycephalic facial structure often causes breathing difficulties.

“They are cheeky guys, their character is full of personality,” he explained.

“But every one I’ve worked with breaks my heart to see how hard it is for them to breathe and just live, and that’s not something I want to live with day to day.”

The last breed on Will’s list of dogs he would never own is the Siberian Husky, however, he offered no explanation.

in a previous shortensaid Siberian Husky owners should be “very, very careful” about letting them off leash in a public space as they have “memory loss”.

“Incredible wanderlust, willingness to run, not committed to a guide, difficult to train, all combined, makes them a nightmare to train,” he said.

In the clip’s comments, the owners were not happy with Will’s inclusion of their beloved breeds on his no-go list.

The last breed on Will’s list of dogs he would never own is the Siberian Husky, as they are a “nightmare” to train and have terrible memories.

Stop hating the husky. The best family dog ​​I’ve ever had. Yes, a small cat, but a fantastic dog with a lot of personality,” said one animal lover.

“I have a 20 month old husky, she is the best and very well trained I love her to the bone,” a second agreed.

‘My Westie was the best dog in the world. He’s not a barker either,’ wrote a third, while another said: ‘Loved my pug! He lived to be 11 years old and never had trouble breathing.’

But not everyone disagreed with a viewer’s response: “As a Siberian husky owner, they are definitely not for everyone, I love mine to death, but I won’t buy another one.”

“I have a husky, I will never have another, they love to run away, they love not to listen, they love to howl at 3am,” said another.

Previously, he revealed the worst-behaved dogs he’s seen during his time training with the Cocker Spaniel at number one.

This isn’t the first time Will has shared his views on dog breeds.

Previously, he revealed the worst-behaved dogs he’s seen during his time training with the Cocker Spaniel at number one.

He said cocker spaniels are of a “working” breed, but pet owners adopt them as “couch junkies” or “Instagram dogs” without realizing how much training they need.

“As a dog behavior specialist, I specialize in working with dogs when things go horribly wrong,” Will said in the video.

It will put the Cocker Spaniel (pictured) at number one because pet owners buy them to be ‘couch junkies’ or ‘Instagram dogs’ without realizing how much training they need

“That’s why I see the same breeds showing up over and over again, displaying the same types of negative behaviors.”

He said ‘working line cocker spaniels’ are the most mischievous of dogs and the ‘number one breed people get for the wrong reasons’.

“They bring this dog that is bred to do a job and work in the fields all day and expect him to be a couch potato, an Instagram dog,” Will explained.

The other dog that Will sees most often is the Cane Corso (pictured) which he says takes time, dedication and experience to train.

“Because of that, they show reactivity, barking, pulling, guarding resources, and remembering terribly.”

The other dog that Will sees most often is the Cane Corso, which is an Italian Mastiff and what he calls one of his “favorite dog breeds on the planet.”

“Once again, people are getting them for the wrong reason without the necessary time, dedication or expertise leading to them getting a bad reputation as aggressive reactive dogs,” he said.

The ten most popular dog breeds in Australia


2.Labrador Retrievers

3. greyhound

4. Border Collie

5. Golden Retriever

6. Golden doodle


8. german shepherd

9. English Staffordshire Bull Terrier

10. French Bulldog

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