Can humans stop ageing?

On Monday 12 June at 19:30 GMT:

Aging has long been considered a natural and inevitable part of life. But with increasing progress in biotechnology in addition to improvements in understanding the cellular processes that cause agingbegins a growing field of research exploring how the process can be slowed down or stopped all together.

While experts debate whether or not to age should be considered a diseasesome “longevity enthusiasts” take matters into their own hands as they make plans to establish their own independent state where they can pursue new treatments and technologies without the constraints of regulation.

But as with any biological intervention, there are ethical concerns involved the potential for unintended consequences, who has access to treatment even what is the meaning of life would be without aging. In this episode of The Stream, we discuss whether or not we can stop aging and whether we should even try.

In this episode of The Stream we are joined by:
Doctor & Scientist
Director of Aging Center, UCLA

Peter Fedichev @fedichev
Founder and Chief Science Officer, Gero

Andrew Steele @statto
Scientist & Writer

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