Bright orange “UFO orbs” were reportedly spotted flying over New York City, raising concerns among residents of the Big Apple during the holiday week.
On Friday, Reddit user @YogurtclosetFlat5701 posted the video to ‘The UFOs Subreddit’ – a forum for UFO discussions where people can talk about sightings, experiences, news and research.
Locals recorded the video above Brookville Blvd in Queens, New York, right next to JFK Airport.
“We looked up and there were four orange spheres in formation in what was supposed to be a no-fly zone. They then started disappearing,” the user wrote.
In the video, four unblinking orange orbs hang in the air, forming a distinctive boomerang shape.
One video was taken from inside the user’s car and another video was taken from outside the user’s car.
‘They moved strangely, as if they weren’t quite still, and then one by one they started to disappear. The next to last one floated faintly and then disappeared. They maintained that formation throughout the entire observation,” the user said.
Users from the New York City area confirmed the traveler’s observations. One, who goes by the username @ZoraOctavia, said they have lived near the airport for more than a decade and know the difference between a plane and a UFO.
‘I lived here for fourteen years and planes flew by every day. They fly so low that it seems as if you can almost touch them. I know what they look like when they come in for landing and take off. I’ve never seen anything like it. Ever,” the user said.
Bright orange ‘UGO orbs’ were reportedly caught flying over New York City, sparking concern among locals
The traveler shot the video above Brookville Blvd in Queens, New York, right next to JFK Airport
Other users viewed the incident as highly suspicious and were shocked that the government did not take immediate action.
“Since this is a no-fly zone, the FAA should be monitoring it,” one user said.
‘This is really not okay. Can we please start demanding that the government cares more about this?’ came a third.
Recent reports of strange orbs in the skies over the eastern United States have added a new layer of mystery to the ongoing drone sightings across the country.
A father and son in Georgia had an unusual encounter Thursday evening when they saw a bright orange “UFO orb” moving across the night sky.
While taking out the trash, the father noticed the glowing object and pointed it out to his son.
Intrigued, they watched the sphere for several minutes before deciding to film it.
The father then shared the video on the ‘UFO Reddit’ forum, seeking explanations for the mysterious phenomenon.
The 58-second video shows the orange orb floating through the air, occasionally moving up or down.
As the father followed him, the orb seemed to darken and eventually disappear, leaving him and his son confused as to its nature.
The father described the first sighting as a “big” light in the distance, which seemed to dim as it got closer. He speculated that perhaps the orb was trying to avoid him, or that it simply disappeared behind clouds.
The video has since gained a lot of attention on Reddit, with more than 2,000 shares and 500 comments from users discussing the unusual sighting.
Just days earlier, a stunning light was captured hovering over the New Jersey sky.
A father and son in Georgia tracked a mysterious ‘orange UFO orb’ after spotting the luminous hue gliding across the sky on Thursday evening shortly after 6:30 p.m.
Earlier this week, another stunning light was captured hovering over the New Jersey sky
Video footage from near Atlantic City shows a white light flashing before suddenly speeding away at incredible speeds, leaving observers stunned.
These recent events follow a report from a US military witness who had a close encounter with a silent, luminous object while camping in October.
The witness described the object floating 330 feet above the ground and lighting the area brighter than any full moon.
These sightings, along with others reported to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), continue to fuel public interest and speculation about the nature of these unidentified aerial phenomena.