Brave footy player with condition that sees him get mistaken for a dwarf hits back at sick trolls who targeted him on Facebook

  • Young player with a medical condition who is targeted by trolls
  • Blake Robinson’s photos have been posted in a shocking Facebook group
  • Told the Aussies he just wants to ‘play the game I love’

A 20-year-old footballer with a rare medical condition that has affected his growth has hit back at trolls who attacked him in a shocking Facebook group, saying: ‘I just want to go out and play football’.

Blake Robinson plays for Karingal Football Netball Club in the Mornington Peninsula competition in Melbourne, but was secretly photographed three times this year and posted to a Facebook group called ‘Midget Watching Australia’.

Robinson only discovered the page when his sister – who also suffers from the condition – discovered people were trying to photograph her without her consent.

Blake Robinson is fed up with being singled out and vilified on a shocking Facebook page, saying: ‘I just want people to know it hurts’

He is now fighting back and is being supported by his football club and teammates as he tries to get Facebook to remove the page.

The football club has even put together a video highlighting the important role he plays in his team, including interviews with Robinson and his teammates.

“It’s hard,” said Robinson, who pointed out that he is not a dwarf and does not speak “on behalf” of people with the condition.

‘I just want to go out and play football without having my pictures taken and put in stupid groups – that shouldn’t even be a thing.

‘I’m just a normal 20-year-old who wants to play the game I love. I don’t play the game any differently than others.

“People taking pictures and thinking it’s funny, but to me it’s not funny and I just want people to know it hurts.”

Club president Sara Burke was shocked by the vilification Robinson faced.

The 20-year-old (pictured during a recent match) said: 'I just want to go out and play the game I love'

The 20-year-old (pictured during a recent match) said: ‘I just want to go out and play the game I love’

“It just makes me really sad,” Burke said.

“I just can’t believe people’s ignorance, especially [seeing] we are in 2024.

“And the fact that he can be on the football field doing what he loves and someone takes a picture and posts it on social media is just very disappointing.

Burke told the Herald Sun that the club is doing its best to have the Facebook page removed.

The Ny Breaking Australia search didn’t bring up the Facebook group, but did reveal a very similar page called ‘Midget spotting Australia’ that has only been active since earlier this month.

“We’ve been working very hard behind the scenes to remove this from Facebook,” Burke said.

Robinson wants Australians to know he is

Robinson wants Australians to know he is “just a 20-year-old man”.

‘We got everyone at the club to report it and report the people posting in it.

‘I never actually looked at it until last week, I think it stopped but started again or someone started a new one.

“His sister has been his biggest advocate, finding out who owns the group, knowing friends of friends – she’s been really great.”

Robinson wants his opponents to remember that he is human, just like them.

“I am the same as you, I am not different,” he said.

“I may be small, but I’m just a twenty-year-old boy… I’m no different, I do everything the same.”

His response to the shocking trolling has won him support online, with the fan of one of Karingal’s rival clubs praising his play and spirit.

“This guy is a real go-getter and never avoids the issue,” the commenter wrote.

“You played well against us this weekend mate, don’t let the keyboard warriors get to you.”