Biden’s sister Valerie claims Democrats are MORE ‘pro-life’ than Republicans


Biden’s sister Valerie claims Democrats should start saying they are the ‘pro-life’ party because they’re helping women build ‘better’ lives by backing abortion

  • President Joe Biden’s sister Valerie Biden Owens said Democrats are more ‘pro-life’ than their Republican counterparts
  • ‘I’m pro-choice, but I remain convinced that Democrats chose the wrong term for our side of the issue,’ Owens writes in her new book, Growing Up Biden
  • She argued Democrats ‘should have been pro-life, for we are the ones advocating for a better life’
  • Owens said her feelings about abortion were ‘complicated’ and said she even sometimes told people she was ‘pro-life’
  • ‘Sometimes, I even accidentally say I’m pro-life, because that’s what it feels like the pro-choice position should have been called,’ Owens wrote
  • She then detailed how she was given the advice to terminate her third pregnancy, but decided to have the child







President Joe Biden’s sister Valerie Biden Owens said Democrats are more ‘pro-life’ than their Republican counterparts and they should have used that term for their abortion stance.  

‘I’m pro-choice, but I remain convinced that Democrats chose the wrong term for our side of the issue,’ Owens writes in her new book, Growing Up Biden: A Memoir, which was released Tuesday. ‘We should have been pro-life, for we are the ones advocating for a better life, a life in which a mother gets to determine her future and that of her child.’

Owens said her feelings about abortion were ‘complicated’ and said she even sometimes told people she was ‘pro-life,’ the term used by conservatives to express being against the pregnancy terminating procedure.   

President Joe Biden’s sister Valerie Biden Owens said Democrats are more ‘pro-life’ than their Republican counterparts and they should have used that term for their abortion stance

Valerie Biden Owens’ book Growing Up Biden: A Memoir was released Tuesday 

‘Sometimes, I even accidentally say I’m pro-life, because that’s what it feels like the pro-choice position should have been called,’ Owens wrote. 

Owens discussed her abortion stance as she described her third pregnancy, which was so challenging she was left bedridden for eight months and was hospitalized three times for going into premature labor.  

‘It turned out that my body hadn’t gotten the memo that I was pregnant, and my system kept trying to flush the pregnancy out,’ she recalled. 

Her doctor said that if she had been his wife or daughter he would have advised her to get an abortion. 

He also said she was in danger of miscarrying the fetus if he didn’t give her hormone treatments. 

‘In the end, we decided to continue my pregnancy,’ Owens wrote. ‘It’s hard for me to say why, exactly, other than that it was the right choice for me.’ 

Owens delivered her daughter by cesarean and was greeted by a ‘healthy, beautiful baby girl.’ 

‘I felt a flood of such awe and gratitude, even as beneath that, I still felt the tremor of fear brought on by a near miss,’ she recalled. 

‘We were lucky. We rolled the dice and got the prize,’ she continued. 

Owens called it ‘one of the scariest times of my life,’ and she conceded that she had a supportive husband and family, financial resources, a ‘full-court-press emotional support system ready to activate at a moment’s notice,’ and good healthcare coverage. 

‘I have seen countless young girls and women who had none of these resources, yet were nonetheless expected to make such pivotal decisions,’ Owens wrote. ‘There is just no way – under the auspices of the pro-life movement or otherwise – I could imagine wagging my finger at those who made a different decision than I had.’     

Owens was her brother’s campaign manager for all of his Senate campaigns and for his 2008 presidential bid, which he suspended only to be chosen as Democratic nominee Barack Obama’s running mate. 

She was a senior adviser on the president’s successful 2020 campaign. 

Owens was one of around 80 people who attended the Gridiron Dinner earlier this month to test positive for COVID-19 and one of those closest to the president. 

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