Biden calls out Republicans for Arizona’s abortion ban dating back to 1864 — then messes up what century we’re in as he comes up with a new campaign slogan: “Elect me.” I’m in the 20th century

President Joe Biden answered a question thrown across the board during a news conference with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida about abortion, then immediately bungled his answer by saying he was “in the 20th century.”

The Arizona Supreme Court’s shocking ruling reinjected abortion politics into the 2024 campaign, raising the prospect of a near-total ban on the procedure under a preemptive state law.

The president, who is campaigning on an effort to restore protections against abortion, was asked about this at the end of a press event where he read from a script during a delicate answer about the war in Israel and called American support “ironclad.”

Asked about his message to Arizonans facing an abortion ban, Biden had a short answer, which he twisted and then corrected.

‘Choose me. I am in the 20th century – 21st century,” Biden said.

Man from the 20th century: Biden called on people to ‘choose me’ after Arizona Supreme Court ruling that would effectively ban abortion in the state

It was on a topic that could determine control of the Senate and the White House. The ruling came just a day after rival Donald Trump unveiled his latest stance on abortion, calling on states to determine what abortion rights should exist within their borders.

Biden kept his sunglasses on the entire time, under the bright sun on a warm day in D.C. — with his sunglasses sometimes reflecting the papers he was consulting.

He appeared to lose patience after reporters started questioning him in the standard “two-and-two” format in which the White House wrote down who Biden should call.

“Why doesn’t everyone shout at the same time?” he asked sarcastically.

His response came at a news conference where Biden read a lengthy passage while talking about tense negotiations involving Israel, Hamas and middlemen. He called for “these hostages to be brought home where they belong,” on a day of shocking news. Hamas says it cannot deliver the 40 hostages as part of a proposal because there are not that many at the moment.

When Biden called on a reporter for the second question, he made it clear that aides had predetermined his questioner, as in previous news conferences.

‘Who should I call now? I have my list here,” Biden said. Images of his famous Ray-Ban sunglasses showed reflections from a folder of information on the lectern in front of him in the White House Rose Garden.

He spoke about the US-Japan military relationship, which he called “truly defensive in nature,” and reiterated his call to improve “lines of communication” with China’s Xi Jinping.

He said the two men had agreed on personal contacts so that nothing slips through the cracks.

Biden grinned when a reporter said he wouldn’t mind if the president responded to a question about his opposition to a Japanese company’s purchase of U.S. steel — a topic that forced him to talk about the fraught issue in front of his guest matter to speak about.

“I maintain my commitment to American workers. I’m a man of my word, I’ll keep it. And in that regard, I stand by our commitment to our alliance,” he said.

Kishida himself did not directly answer the question of whether he had discussed it with Biden.

‘We understand that discussions are ongoing between the parties. We hope that these discussions will develop in a direction that will be positive for both parties. Japan believes that the US government is implementing appropriate law-based procedures,” he said, according to a translation of his remarks.

It came after Biden treated Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to a red carpet arrival ceremony at the White House, praising his “good friend” as a “true leader” and thanking the key ally for his support for Ukraine.

In a folder: Biden kept his Ray-Bans on throughout the entire press conference. He relied on notes when talking about Israel and Gaza

On second thought…Biden answered a shouted question after calling on predetermined questioners

He held a joint press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Fuimio Kishida

Biden met with Kishida in the Oval Office in one of several expressions of support for the partner on defense and economic issues. The US and China share concerns about Chinese provocations in Asia, even as divisions remain over Nippon Steel’s proposed purchase of US Steel.

“You all personally made this possible,” Biden said after running through examples of Kishida’s “bold leadership.”

As he spoke, he occasionally looked at a card and then put it aside for a shared photo and handshake.

Biden also hosted a formal arrival ceremony for Kishida’s official visit and a state dinner for Tuesday evening — with singer Paul Simon providing musical entertainment.

Kishida called Biden “Joe” and said they had “built a friendship and trust” through a series of meetings.

Biden also credited Kishida for deciding to “heal old wounds and begin a new chapter of friendship” with South Korea despite lingering animosities over Japanese colonial oppression.

Biden praised Japanese investments that have generated “millions of jobs in both our countries,” without mentioning his opposition to the purchase of Pittsburgh-based US Steel.

President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Kishida Fumio of Japan meet in the Oval Office shortly after an elaborate arrival ceremony for his official visit to Washington

Biden praised Japanese investments, despite divisions over a planned purchase of US Steel

Kishida was treated to an elaborate ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House

Biden was answering a reporter’s question about Australia’s request for the US to drop its prosecution of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, who is being prosecuted in the US for leaking millions of documents and remains detained in Britain

“We are considering it,” Biden said.

Kishida’s visit is an official one, as he is not Japan’s head of state, although he will be treated to a state dinner that will include rib eye steak and Biden’s favorite dessert: ice cream.

The two men and their wives also dined at Black Salt, an upscale restaurant in Washington, DC, on Monday evening.

Biden also recounted how the two men walked to a trio of cherry trees on the White House grounds, and Kishida presented 250 new cherry T-shirts to join the hundreds in the DC Tidal Basin.

Neither mentioned Biden’s push for a Texas railway project using Japanese bullet trains.

On Ukraine, Biden praised Kishida at a time when he is struggling to get his own multibillion-dollar aid package through the Republican House.

“When Russia began its brutal invasion of Ukraine two years ago, he did not hesitate to condemn, sanction and isolate Russia and provide Ukraine with billions in aid,” Biden said.

“Under his leadership, Japan has initiated profound changes in its defense policy and capabilities,” referring to Japan’s US-drafted war-avoiding constitution.

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