Baby Lucky GoFundMe: Spokeswoman Bailey Scarlett distances herself from mother and father after Bali house revelation

A close friend and spokeswoman for baby Lucky has distanced herself from her parents following revelations they had moved back to Bali to renovate a home just months after Australians donated nearly $200,000 to bring the critically ill newborn home .

Bailey Scarlett, an OnlyFans model and actress who in February acted as de facto media spokesperson for baby Lucky’s parents, Honey and Pan Ahimsa, released a statement on Monday claiming she acted only in “good faith” when raising money for the family.

“I had never been associated with these people before, I just rushed to the hospital to help complete strangers because I felt like a mother myself for them,” she wrote on an Instagram story.

Bailey Scarlett, an OnlyFans model and actress who acted as a de facto media spokesperson for Baby Lucky’s parents Honey and Pan Ahimsa in February, issued a statement on Monday distancing herself from them

Honey Ahimsa and her fiancé Pan launched a plea to fly Lucky to Australia so she could get the best care she desperately needed – they deny that GoFundMe’s nearly $200,000 was misused

She added: “I had family and friends who donated who were equally annoyed and disappointed. I reached out to news outlets and urged the GoFundMe to go viral, as I was under the impression that this baby would die if they didn’t reach their goal or not send care flying out of Bali.

“I did everything I could do without any profit.”

Ms Scarlett’s statement comes after Daily Mail Australia exclusively revealed last week that the Ahimsa family had flown back to Bali where they are renovating a villa.

Ms. Ahimsa, whose birth name was Rachael Eti, told this publication that the family just rented the property and no GoFundMe money had been embezzled. Daily Mail Australia suggests no otherwise.

“No money from the Lucky Love GoFundMe has been used for anything other than what was stated on the GoFundMe page,” Ms. Ahimsa said.

Ms Scarlett said she only acted in ‘good faith’ and did not know Lucky’s parents before offering her help

She said friends and family she encouraged to donate were “equally annoyed and disappointed” with the mounting questions about the money raised.

Ms Scarlett insisted her intention was ‘never for anyone to feel duped’

“I have all receipts and bank statements confirming all expenses, for example $107,500 for the medical evacuation plane alone, not including medical expenses abroad that were unimaginable.”

Baby Lucky captured the nation’s hearts in February when her parents made a desperate attempt to charter a medical evacuation for their then seven-week-old daughter to Australia for life-saving care unavailable in Indonesia.

Ms Ahimsa, a wellness influencer and mother of two who is originally from Melbourne, said doctors in Bali gave Lucky a 50 percent chance of survival.

Nearly $200,000 was raised within days by kind-hearted souls who rallied behind the stranded family as Lucky battled sepsis, severe pneumonia, lung failure, and RSV bronchiolitis.

She was flown to Brisbane on a medevac flight and doctors successfully treated her.

The fundraiser, which was set up by a friend on behalf of Ms Ahimsa, was later closed and there is a message thanking supporters.

“In the future, Lucky and family will help children in Bali who suffer from health problems,” the message reads.

Daily Mail Australia asked the organizer if this meant there was money left over and, if so, for more details on what it would be spent on, but have yet to receive a reply.

Ms Scarlett said she had no ‘involvement or say in what they did with the amounts borrowed’.

Baby Lucky’s medevac from Indonesia to Australia was funded online by donations from Australians and others who gave more than $190,000

Daily Mail Australia exclusively revealed last week that the Ahimsa family had flown back to Bali where they are renovating a villa

“It was my understanding that it would always be donated to the hospitals to buy the life-saving medical equipment they didn’t have at the time to save their child’s life.”

Ms Scarlett also claimed she had been in hospital until 2am and returned to support Lucky’s parents at 8am when she was unwell.

“I really supported these people and advocated for them in every way I could,” she said.

“I have no ill will whatsoever and I am sorry that some of you may feel misled by the fact that I am sharing the GoFudnMe and that the money is allegedly not being used properly. I never meant for anyone to feel misled.”

Yesterday, this publication revealed the former identity of Lucky’s parents.

Mrs. Ahimsa’s husband Pan is a Canadian originally named Graham White. He has traveled the world visiting hippie haunts and has been compared to world famous street artist Banksy.

The two have their own label ‘ethical clothing’.

They also sell redesigned vehicles – reportedly unloading one for as much as $60,000 – while also spicing up their “debt-free” lifestyle.

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