Australian renters slam landlord for ‘ridiculous’ and ‘absurd’ request to his tenant

An Australian landlord has been heavily criticized for asking his tenant to cooperate and contribute to the costs of installing a driveway on his property.

The Victoria tenant said they had to ‘fight’ to find on-street parking in front of their rental property and while a driveway would be handy, they weren’t sure if they should help with the costs.

Tenants were quick to dismiss the idea, calling the landlord “cheeky” for asking their tenant to help him improve his own investment property.

‘My landlord approached me and asked if I would be willing to contribute part of the costs of constructing a driveway in our rental home. Currently I park on the street and a driveway would be very convenient for me,” the tenant asked in a Facebook post.

‘Is this something I should/must contribute to? I would like to remain on good terms with the landlord, but even contributing 20 percent of the costs is expensive.’

A tenant said he was asked by his landlord to contribute to the costs of installing a driveway at his rental property. Many called the request ‘brutal’ (stock image)

Fellow tenants quickly discouraged the tenant from paying her landlord “even a cent.”

‘Why would you contribute to something you don’t own? No I wouldn’t, it sounds like your landlord is abusive and has the audacity to even ask,” one user wrote.

‘How ridiculous. Absolutely not. Not your responsibility AT ALL,” said a second.

‘Not really. They can turn around and not renew your lease, leaving you with little use for it. Absurd that they would even ask that. It’s their investment property, it’s their responsibility to invest in it, not yours,” another added.

Others said that if the tenant pays for a portion of the driveway, they must enter into a written agreement with the property owner.

“If you were to do that, you would want guarantees that you can live in the property for X number of years and that you will get the full amount back if the property is sold, etc.,” one person suggested.

‘That’s not necessary, but I would use it as a negotiating tool. In exchange for no rent increase and a five-year lease, offer a lower rent in writing during the work,” another recommends.

‘If he is willing to give you a written guarantee that he will not sell, sublet or increase the rent more than X percent of the current rate for X number of years, then you have a good basis for investing in an asset where you can enjoy for that period,” a third commented.