All Sony systems including PlayStations have been hacked, new ransomware gang claims and threatens to sell stolen data

All Sony systems, including PlayStations, have been hacked, new ransomware gangs claim and threaten to sell stolen data

  • A hacker group believed to be operating out of Russia claims to have stolen data from Sony customers and is holding them for ransom

A hacking gang has claimed they breached Sony’s security systems and stole data. The group is now offering to sell the data to the highest bidder.

Sony did not confirm the breach in a statement but said it was investigating the claims.

“We have successfully compromised all Sony systems,” claimed on both the clear and darknet, as reported by Cyber ​​Security Connect. ‘We will not ransom them! We sell the data. Because Sony doesn’t want to pay. DATA IS FOR SALE,” the group said in a statement.

The alleged breach was first reported by the Australian site Cybersecurity Connect.

The Cyber ​​Security Report says posted a PowerPoint presentation online showing how the hacking was carried out, including screenshots of a login page and screenshots of files.

A hacker group believed to be operating out of Russia claims to have stolen data from Sony customers and is holding them for ransom

So far, Sony has not confirmed the breach, but said in a statement that it is investigating the claims

The group says it is in possession of 6,000 files, which it describes as “small” compared to “all Sony systems.”

“We are currently investigating the situation and have no further comment at this time,” Sony’s press release said.

The Cyber ​​Security Report says has threatened to post the collected information online on September 28 if they are not paid. The alert provides Sony’s contact information for the group.

The stolen data is said to be in Japanese.

A bizarre element of the alleged hack is that has said that payment was not received. They will be obliged to report the breach to the European Union data protection authority.

The last major hacking of Sony’s system took place in 2011, when the data of 77 million users was compromised. As a result, the company took the PlayStation Network offline for a month.

Sony officials were even taken before Congress to explain the breach, while also being forced to pay damages to the victims. has only been around since this month, Cyber ​​Security reports.

While Video Games Chronicle reports that operates from Russia and Ukraine.

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