Alabama boat fight: Boy, 16, dubbed ‘Black Aquaman’ after swimming down Montgomery River to assist in brawl between Harriot II Riverboat crew and white recreational boat owners

A 16-year-old boy is dubbed the “Black Aquaman” after he was filmed swimming across a Montgomery River to help a black guard in a fight with a group of whites – while one of the handcuffed brawlers is exposed as a mini-mart owner in the state.

The brawl between black cruise crew and white recreational boat owners in the Port of Alabama has gone viral, with many marveling at the young boy who swam to help the security guard after being physically assaulted by the group.

A witness claimed the fight started with an argument over a pontoon boat blocking the wharf where a riverboat was trying to dock.

Aaren, who chose to be identified only by his first name, released a statement Monday saying he did “as he was taught” during Saturday night’s Montgomery riverside brawl.

His publicist Makina Lashea called Aaren a “cherished young hero” and called his actions a “remarkable act of courage and compassion.”

A boy named Aaren is dubbed the “Black Aquaman” after swimming across a Montgomery River to help a black guard in a fight with a group of whites

One of the men involved in the brawl has been identified by the public and local media as Chase Shipman, owner of the Vasser’s Mini Mart in Selma (far left)

A witness claimed the fight started with an argument over a pontoon boat blocking the wharf where a riverboat was trying to dock

The statement read: “In the face of adversity, Aaren selflessly came to the aid of a colleague, demonstrating courage beyond his age. We are immensely proud of his actions and the values ​​he represents, which are an inspiration to all of us.

“We, the publishing team, his parents and his extended family would like to sincerely thank you all for your unwavering support during this time.

“Your messages and gestures of appreciation have not gone unnoticed and have left a lasting impression on Aaren and his family.”

Aron’s spokeswoman then asked the public for privacy for ‘Aaren to process and reflect on the whirlwind of emotions he is experiencing.

“We assure you he will continue to be a force for good in the world.”

Meanwhile, one of the men involved in the brawl has been identified by the public and local media as Chase Shipman, owner of the Vasser’s Mini Mart in Selma.

Shipman received backlash after he posted video of the brawl online, claiming he was trying to get away, as reported by the Selma Times Journal.

He wrote in, “I am sure most of you have seen the news about the riverboat incident. Yes, I was there, but I was the first to try to get away.

“You can see in the video I attached, and I don’t condone what happened. I tried to stop it and realized I couldn’t, so I tried to get away. There’s a video where I walk out first because what happened was wrong and I didn’t want to be a part of it.

“I realize that I have to run and represent a company and that no charges have been brought against me because I was not involved.”

However, commentators said the footage showed Shipman was more involved than he admitted, and his business page began to be flooded with bad reviews. made several attempts to contact Vasser’s Mini Mart, but the phone appears to be disconnected.

Footage from the incident shows Shipman was among those detained at the scene, but police told they are not releasing any names as of Monday morning.

“There are 4 active warrants at this time and there is a possibility that more will follow after the review of additional video,” the Montgomery Police Department said. “There will be no further updates until this afternoon.”

Commentators said the footage showed Shipman was more involved than he admitted, and his business page (pictured) started flooding with bad reviews

“I realize that I have a business to run and represent and no charges have been brought against me because I was not involved,” Shipman claimed.

Video of the brawl shared on social media shows horrific scenes of violence, with the parties seemingly split on racial lines – though it’s not yet clear if the melee was racially aggravated.

Men are seen gouging eyes and hurling punches at each other’s heads, as a woman lies beaten on the floor while a man smashes a chair over her head in a vicious attack.

Montgomery Police Department said they were responding to reports of disturbances on the riverfront around 7 p.m. Saturday.

The mayor’s office told on Monday: “Montgomery police acted quickly to detain several reckless individuals for assaulting a man who was doing his job. Warrants will be signed and justice will be served.

“This was an unfortunate incident that should never have happened. As our police department investigates these intolerable actions, we must not become desensitized to violence of any kind in our community. Those who choose violent actions will be held accountable by our criminal justice system.”

Footage seems to show the fight starting in a fight between two men at the end of the boardwalk.

In a flamboyant gesture, a man tosses his cap to a watching crowd above, seemingly anticipating a brawl.

Scenes quickly turn sour as the pair exchange blows before another white man in red shorts tackles the black man to the ground, before several others join the fray.

Some seem to be trying to break up the fight, while others throw punches as well.

At that point, a man can swim across the river to climb onto the boardwalk.

Separate footage shows a group of men approaching each other in a small motorboat moored to the pontoon.

Another fight soon breaks out and at one point a woman is thrown into the water as her attacker is cheered on by those filming the fight.

Another video shows the brawl spreading to the center of the boardwalk, outside a larger boat named Harriott II.

Photos shared on social media appear to show a group of white men handcuffed on the boardwalk, while others are led away from the scene by officers.

The altercation is being investigated by local police as they come through multiple videos from the public, as well as the City of Montgomery’s video surveillance.

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