A look into the life of the British professor: how John Forge, 77, paid sex workers to call him ‘daddy’, smoked hookahs and snorted cocaine and fought sexual assault charges before his tragic fatal plunge

Guided by sharp minds and refined wisdom, philosophy professors are perhaps the last group of people expected to succumb to the temptations of the flesh.

But Professor John Forge, 77, who was found dead at the bottom of a gorge last month, was no ordinary philosophy professor.

Before he died on May 2 this year, the Oxford University-educated Forge may have led a pious life to outsiders, but the professor was about as debauched as they come, it has been revealed.

Forcing sex workers to sign $20,000 a month agreements requiring them to call him “daddy,” hitting bongs and snorting cocaine were just some of the many vices the professor is said to have indulged in before he was found at the foot of the Cataract Gorge in Tasmania. , Australia.

The award-winning, multi-millionaire philosophy professor was found dead just hours after a detective knocked on his door asking him to attend an interrogation at the police station.

It is understood the academic, who spent four years at the prestigious Rugby School in Warwickshire as a teenager, was informed by police that he was facing allegations that he sexually assaulted a vulnerable woman in her 30s between 2019 and 2022.

Did you know Dr. John? Forge? Email martin.robinson@mailonline.co.uk

Skylar Silverstein, a sex worker from Sydney, says she was employed by Dr. from January to October last year. Forge and claims she was involved in a ‘sex contract’ with the old man

Video showed Forge smoking marijuana from a bong

A letter that Dr. Forge wrote to Ms. Silverstein, describing aspects of their agreement

His alleged sugar baby escort Skylar Silverstein spoke out about her ex-client, claiming she was involved in a “financial arrangement” with him that included a strict “contract.”

Silverstein’s claims are separate from the other sexual abuse allegations against Forge.

The allegations against Dr. Forge related to alleged incidents that took place in New South Wales and Tasmania. The respected ethics expert moved from Sydney to Launceston in January 2022.

A Tasmania spokesman confirmed Forge’s death on May 2 under circumstances that were not being treated as suspicious.

A report has now surfaced of Silverstein expressing her agreement, with Forge detailing her “duties to her dearest father John.”

It reads: ‘She will do anything to make her father happy. She will do this by being a good, obedient girl, but above all she will love him and try to please him in every way possible. Her love is her greatest gift.”

‘Her father will have exclusive use of her body and do whatever he wants with it.

“(She) has the right to say whatever she wants, but daddy decides.”

Respected philosophy professor Dr John Forge (pictured) died last month amid allegations he sexually abused a vulnerable woman for three years

Another video showed him snorting a white powder with a rolled up note, before rubbing the remaining powder on his gums

His alleged sugar baby escort Skylar Silverstein spoke out about her ex-client and claimed she was involved in a ‘financial arrangement’ with him

She previously said of the arrangement: “We got on quite well and decided to make an arrangement whereby I would see him a certain number of times a month,” she told Daily Mail Australia.

“I was given a generous monthly stipend of $20,000 plus exotic vacations.

‘He took me to all the fancy restaurants and showered me with expensive gifts. We drank the best champagnes and wines. He bought me designer items and a luxury spa.

‘We have shared a lot of personal information. I really felt like I knew him even at that time. We spoke on the phone every day.’

But despite public appearances, Dr. Forge a wild side – and some very unusual fetishes.

‘He was extremely kinky. “The agreement was for me to call him ‘Daddy John’ and he wanted me tied up and gagged,” Ms. Silverstein said.

‘He was still using drugs even at the age of 77!’

A video emerged showing him using a bong to smoke marijuana as one woman lit it for him, while another showed him snorting a white powder with a rolled-up note before dumping the remaining powder on his gums dabbed.

The escort added: “I have an OnlyFans account and he helped me with the content. His voice can be heard in some videos.”

But after learning of Forge’s allegations, Silverstein told Daily Mail Australia that on reflection their conversations were “creepy.”

The Sydney-based sex worker said: ‘During the arrangement he talked about her (his alleged victim) a lot. It was strange,” she said.

“He said he loved her… (but) it was a sick love. He stalked her (allegedly). He took advantage of the vulnerable. It gives me a stomach ache.’

Silverstein also claimed that the former professor was proud of his reputation and was adept at concealing his true identity.

“He seemed charming, he was well respected academically in different circles, he was an author and he wrote so many books,” she said.

“But underneath there were many skeletons in his closet that were about to be exposed.

Philosophy professor John Forge (pictured with Skylar) died on May 2 while under investigation into allegations of historical sexual abuse

Forge’s body was found on May 2 at the foot of Tasmania’s Cataract Gorge

Dr. Forge was pictured with Sydney-based sex worker Skylar Silverstein last year

“It’s ironic that he wrote a book about the morality of guns, but where was his moral obligation to this girl?”

Following his death, the mother of Forge’s alleged victim told Daily Mail Australia that the detective working the case called her at 3pm on May 2 to say she had just entered Dr. Forge, after she asked him to go to the police station to make a statement.

But just hours later, the woman said she received a call from police to reveal officers had found him dead at the bottom of the canyon.

“A member of the public found his ID, phone and keys on a path and called the police, who then went looking for him,” she said.

‘It happened within an hour and a half of the impact.

“He was living a double life and it was about to be discovered.”

The alleged victim’s mother said Dr. Forge groomed her daughter and then began sexually abusing her nearly five years ago, when she was 30.

‘He was absolutely obsessed with her. It was creepy,” she said.

‘It took a lot of courage to go to the police and make her statement. (The alleged victim) has a strong sense of justice.”

Although she was relieved that her daughter did not have to go through a tough lawsuit, the news was still mixed.

“She said to me, ‘He’ll never have his day in court.’ He will never have to pay for what he (allegedly) did.”

Police were called to Cataract Gorge (pictured) after a concerned member of the public found his belongings on a footpath

As a child, Forge was sent to boarding school in Britain and attended the prestigious Rugby School in Warwickshire, which he described as a ‘terrible place’.

After leaving the renowned private school, he spent another eleven years in education.

During that time, he studied at a range of top institutions, including Oxford and University College London, as well as the Ivy League Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

Dr. Forge, who was in Sydney in 2000 and was appointed honorary professor at the University of Sydney in the early 2000s, focused his research on the moral responsibilities of scientists, particularly in the use and development of weapons.

In addition to the Eureka Prize, his book, The Responsible Scientist: A Philosophical Inquiry, won him the David Harold Tribe Philosophy Award in 2009.

According to his website, entitled ‘Morality Matters’, Dr. Forge morality as ‘the way in which moral persons should behave towards others’.

“To cause unnecessary and unnecessary harm is to act morally wrong,” he wrote.

The death of Dr. Forge has remained unannounced in public, except for switching his Facebook page to a memorial template.

The University of Sydney is concerned about the allegations against Dr. Forge.

“We are deeply committed to ensuring a safe and respectful environment for everyone in our community,” a spokeswoman told Daily Mail Australia.

‘We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of harassing or abusive behaviour, including sexual misconduct.

“If any of our community experience or witness such behavior, we urge them to get in touch so we can provide appropriate support and follow-up.”

There will be a report on the death of Dr. Forge are prepared for the coroner.

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