Zocdoc launches an advanced partner program focused on specialist care

Zocdoc, which partners with electronic health record and practice management software providers to provide providers with real-time online scheduling and other free tools that complement their existing workflows, announced Tuesday a new affiliate program that it says can drive revenue and growth for scheduling software companies and providers .


EHR and PM vendors enable providers to seamlessly integrate their scheduling software with Zocdoc to provide visibility into their real-time appointment availability and enable instant online scheduling.

A Basic Partner can offer providers and care groups a calendar integration to enable online patient scheduling, while a Complete Integration Partner adds online scheduling integration through search engines, websites or the Zocdoc Marketplace.

Providers have access to the full suite of Zocdoc Practice Solutions tools and all of the company’s software partners and can automatically get new Zocdoc features and product enhancements through EHRs and PM vendors that become Advanced Integration Partners.

Zocdoc “is working to build the connective tissue of healthcare,” said Dr. Oliver Kharraz, founder and CEO, said in a statement.

“We introduced this program to foster deep and valuable relationships with our scheduling software partners, with the shared goal of delivering an integrated, streamlined experience to healthcare providers and their patients.”

EverHealth’s Elation and DrChrono have joined the Zocdoc Integration Partner Program as Advanced Integration Partners, the company said.

“Working with Zocdoc, our users have been able to effectively grow and improve their patient base, ultimately improving their experience with EverHealth’s DrChrono through our seamless integration,” Matt Madden, DrChrono market manager, said in the statement.

Zocdoc said its marketplace aggregates real-time medical appointments for in-person or virtual care across more than 250 specialties. The company also said its EHR-agnostic appointment scheduling software has completed more than 175 calendar integrations and works with more than 18,000 insurance plans.


Elation Health, a cloud-based EHR provider that provides more than 24,000 independent primary care physicians and healthcare groups with full tech stack options, began working with Zocdoc in June.

The company says the partnership can help support physician practices and reach new patients in the marketplace by streamlining online patient scheduling. Existing provider scheduling software, integrated with Zocdoc, automatically adds online-booked appointments to providers’ schedules in their Elation EHRs, the vendor said.

More recently, Zocdoc announced this new guided search options that give patients results based on their symptoms and what they are seeking treatment for.

Kharraz said earlier this month that the guided search feature gives patients “more control, more confidence and ultimately peace of mind that they are selecting a provider who can see and treat them for their specific needs.”


“We believe that delivering a great patient experience and supporting healthcare provider growth depends on strong and mutually beneficial partnerships with leading EHR and PMS organizations,” Kharraz said in announcing the tiered partner program.

“Through our Advanced Integration partnership with Zocdoc, Elation has accelerated its ability to build market-leading EHR solutions that reduce physician burden, strengthen the patient-physician relationship and drive primary care success,” said Kyna Fong, Elation Health, co-founder and CEO, added.

Andrea Fox is editor-in-chief of Healthcare IT News.
Email: afox@himss.org

Healthcare IT News is a HIMSS Media publication.